Jimi Hendrix
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Jimi Hendrix

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 Tributes/albums en solo

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Messages : 3126
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53

Tributes/albums en solo Empty
MessageSujet: Tributes/albums en solo   Tributes/albums en solo Icon_minitimeDim 11 Juil 2010 - 11:54

- The Gil Evans Orchestra Plays The Music Of Jimi Hendrix (1974)
- Stone Free - A Tribute To Jimi Hendrix (1993)
- Paul Rodgers : The Hendrix Set (1993)
- In From The Storm (1995)
- Out Of Phase : Acoustic Ladyland - A Tribute To Jimi Hendrix (2001)
- Nguyên Lê : Purple - Celebrating Jimi Hendrix (2002)
- Power Of Soul - A Tribute To Jimi Hendrix (2004)
- World Saxophone Quartet : Experience (2004)
- Popa Chubby : Electric Chubbyland (2006)
- Mad About Hendrix (2007)

Autour de Jimi
- John McLaughlin : Devotion (1970)
- Billy Cox´s Nitro Function (1972)
- Randy California : Kapt. Kopter And The (Fabulous) Twirly Birds (1972)

Buddy Miles
- The Electric Flag : The Trip (1967)
- The Electric Flag : A Long Time Comin' (1968)
- The Electric Flag : An American Music Band (1968)
- Expressway To Your Skull (1968)
- Electric Church (1969)
- Them Changes (1970)
- We Got To Live Together (1970)
- Carlos Santana & Buddy Miles Live! (1972)
- The Electric Flag : The Band Kept Playing (1974)
- Booger Bear (1974)
- More Miles Per Gallon (1975)
- The Electric Flag : Groovin' Is Easy (1983)
- Tribute To Jimi Hendrix (1996)
- Blues Berries (2002)
- Billy Cox & Buddy Miles : The Band Of Gypsys Return (2006)
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Tributes/albums en solo
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