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 Mad About Hendrix

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Messages : 3123
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 52

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MessageSujet: Mad About Hendrix   Mad About Hendrix Icon_minitimeDim 11 Juil 2010 - 12:09

Mad About Hendrix (Wild Trip Productions 2007)

Mad About Hendrix Madnw8

Un Tribute par les fans hard core pour les fans hard core :

CD 1

1. Are You Experienced - Blindstone
2. Astro Man - John Marshall Trio
3. Crosstown Traffic - Kurt Max avec Jeff Magnus (Saxophone)
4. Drivin' West - Ray Rae Goldman
5. Foxy Lady (Live)- Mick Jagger with Joe Satrani (1988)
6. Gloomy Monday - Darrin Thorsteinson
7. Hey Baby - EXP/Bjørn-Peder Johansen
8. Hey Joe - Dexter Fairweather
9. Highway Chile - Wyatt Valentine
10. I Don't Live Today - John Marshall Trio
11. Jakes' Blues (a.k.a. Easy Blues) - Kurt Max
12. Little Wing - Ayler
13. Look Over Yonder - Spirit

CD 2

1. Pali Gap - Mad About Hendrix All-Stars
2. Purple Haze - Frank Zappa
3. Red House - BR Millon
4. Star Spangled banner - Darryl Fields
5. Third Stone From The Sun - Dirty Dom
6. Up From the Skies - John Marshall Trio
7. Valleys of Neptune - Rudy Kronfuss Experience
8. Villanova Junction - EXP/Bjørn-Peder Johansen
9. Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - Kurt Max
10. Voodoo Chile - Rudy Kronfuss Experience

CD 3 (Bonus)

1. Ain't No Telling - John Marshall Trio
2. All Along the Watchtower - Kurt Max
3. Angel - Rudy Kronfuss Experience
4. Gypsy Boy - Grasshopper
5. Hear My Train - Darryl Fields avec Billy Cox
6. Heartbreak X (times) 3 - "Uncle Scott" Oberg (titre inspiré de Jimi)
7. Heaven Has No Sorrow - Rudy Kronfuss Experience
8. Hello Josephine - AM avec Noel Redding
9. Hey Joe (Allo Joe-europa-acoustica) - Terje Skuterud
10. If 6 Was 9 - John Marshall Trio
11. In From the Storm - John Marshall Trio
12. Little Miss Lover - EXP/Bjørn-Peder Johansen
13. Little Wing - Jon Bare
14. Manic Depression - Johnny Winter

CD 4 (Bonus)

1. One Rainy Wish - Uli Jon Roth avec Jack Bruce & Randy Hanson
2. Purple Haze (solo-ending) - "Uncle Scott" Oberg
3. Purple Haze - Wil Harris Band
4. Sanity - Kurt Max avec Leon Hendrix (lead guitar & lead vocals)
5. Spanish Castle Magic Medley - The Brooks Project
6. Third Stone From The Sun - Maurizio Bonini/Marco Sorvini
7. Valleys of Neptune - John Marshall Trio
8. Velvet Blues - Ray Rae Goldman (Jimi inspired original)
9. Villanova Junction Blues - Gary Serkin/Gypsy Sun Experience
10. Who Knows - John Marshall Trio
11. The Wind Cries Mary - Graham Bonnet
12. Hear My Freedom - Jimi Hendrix
13. Inst. 4564 - Jimi Hendrix
14. Tax Free - Jimi Hendrix
15. Track 01 - Jimi Hendrix

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