Jimi Hendrix
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 Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970

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Purple Jim
Electric Thing
8 participants
Electric Thing

Electric Thing

Messages : 2072
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeLun 12 Juil 2010 - 21:52

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970

Ce concert n'est pas encore référencé, mais une personne qui a eu la chance d'assister à ce live m'a livré quelques infos sur la set list et le show en lui même...
Merci donc à Jazmaan.  

Il ne se souvient pas de la set list complète mais voilà ce qu'il précise néanmoins :
"All I remember was that he opened with "Spanish Castle Magic", followed by "Fire", closed with "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)" and somewhere in the middle of a very short set played a killer version of "Red House" where his singing was particularly exceptional.

What I remember best was an extended "talking guitar" demonstration between songs when he got angry at a stage hand and cussed him out using the guitar and punctuating his anger with divebombs and explosions. I would have hated to have been that poor stagehand suffering the wrath of Thor in front of everybody like that. I also remember that I had great seats and could have gotten even closer if I'd wanted to stand. If I'd known I'd never see him again I would have!"

Le concert a eu lieu le lendemain du show de San Bernardino (20 juin 1970) et ma source précise :

"He opened that show by saying "Tonight we're going to make up for San Bernardino", so I guess he wasn't too happy with this show. But Ventura didn't go so well either, because a cold heavy fog rolled in and played havoc with the equipment and tuning."

Enfin, je vous livre une chronique qu'il avait écrite il y a quelques années, et qu'il a eu la gentillesse de m'autoriser à publier ici :

Most Hendrix collectors are familiar with Jimi's ability to make his guitar talk.
Usually its just a few words like "Thank You! We Love You!" (Miami Pop Festival '69) or "Sit down muthafuckas!" (San Diego Arena '69). But I witnessed an incredible display of talking guitar at Jimi's show at the Ventura County Fairgrounds in June

I was only 16 but this was my fourth time seeing Jimi play live. Ventura is about an hour north of Los Angeles. I drove up with some friends and we got there early enough to get a good spot in line. When the gates opened there was a mad dash of about 100 yards around a racetrack to get to the general seating area. I was able to get great seats only 8 rows back from the stage.

After an opening act, Jimi came out wearing a magnificent purple velvet cape. The first words he spoke were "Tonight we're going to make up for San Bernardino." (He had played the San Bernardino Swing Auditorium the previous night and apparently there was some kind of riot that had ended the show prematurely.)

I believe he started with "Spanish Castle Magic" followed by "Fire" and I also remember an incredible version of "Red House" where his singing was as great as his guitar playing. But then things took an unfortunate turn for the worse. The Ventura County
Fairgrounds is right on the coast and it was a short walk from the stage to the beach.
Less than halfway into the set a cold wet pea-soup fog rolled in from the ocean and played havoc with Jimi's guitar strings and his electronic equipment.

A stage hand (not one of Jimi's own roadies because I remember he was wearing a Saltzer Productions T-Shirt) made the mistake of walking out onto the stage to fiddle with one of Jimi's cables just as Jimi was about to start a song. Jimi proceeded to vent his frustration upon this stagehand in the form of a 30 second display of talking guitar where Jimi silently mouthed vicious obscenities while the guitar did the actual talking. Interspersed with these outrageous curses were the sounds of thunder and
dive-bomb explosions. It was like the wrath of Zeus was being unleashed in full fury upon this poor hapless soul who seemed to visibly shrink and recoil in dismay. It might seem funny to read about, but it was scary to see. Jimi's anger was out of control in a way which was both awesome and sad to witness. I remember feeling at that moment that Jimi's soul had grown too great for this mortal coil and that he would not be with us much longer. (Since then I've read that many other fans who saw Jimi on that last 1970 tour had the same feeling.)

Anyway after that 30 second diatribe (which must have seemed like an eternity to that poor stagehand) the show resumed but without much joy in the cold wet fog and the set was cut short. That was to be the last time I ever saw Jimi.
By Jazmaan

Encore merci à lui.   cheers

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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2463
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Jan 2011 - 18:03

“The Jjmj Hendrix Experience rock concert drew an enthusiastic crowd of nearly 4,000 last night at the county fairgrounds in Ventura. Another group of 400 youths tried to crash the gates for free entry and a small conflict between them and 80 policemen and sheriff’s deputies erupted. The youths threw rocks and bottles at police; no one was hurt. Fifteen were arrested for unlawful assembly.”

Journal inconnu :
‘A Foggy Day At The County Fairgrounds’ by Robert Peters:
“The Ventura County Fairgrounds arena is a large outdoor dirt oval track with stadium bleachers on the northwest side. It was built mainly for eque shows and competitions and was not well suited as a concert The stage was a forty-foot flat bed truck trailer parked parallel to the bleachers on the opposite side of the dirt oval. Wooden shipping pallets were lashed together along the side of the trailer facing the bleachers, and a ten-foot plywood wall ran along the back of the trailer with stair access on the right rear side.
The Ventura County Fairgrounds arena is only about 800 yards from the Pacific Ocean, and on this particular evening heavy fog was rolling in off the ocean. The fog made it very difficult for those seated in the bleachers to get an un-obscured view of the concert stage. At times I could barely see the bleachers through the fog from my location directly in front of the stage. It was also drizzling lightly which led me to wonder if the concert would be cancelled due the increasingly inclement weather. About 7:10 p.m., and without announcement, Jimi Hendrix, Billy Cox, and Mitch Mitchell walked onto the stage. Jimi was wearing a long cape which he later removed. The three readied their equipment and began playing. The audience which was expecting to see the opening act Ballin’ Jack, was largely caught by surprise at this unexpected turn of events. The Jimi Hendrix Experience played several unreleased songs, songs from their Band of Gypsys album including an extended version of “Machine Gun,” and did the obligatory “Purple Haze”/”Foxy Lady” during which Jimi did his now expected stage theatrics of playing the guitar with pick held between his teeth [sic, actually no pick] and playing crouched down with his Stratocaster between his legs. The set performed by the Experience had no outstanding moments that I can remember. On this particular night Jimi seemed to be “going through the motions” as he ran through his bag of tricks. After playing for approximately 50 minutes, the Jimi Hendrix Experience ended a song and without a word to the audience left the stage. The crowd applauded tepidly, probably not realizing that the performance was over. Jimi always played at least one encore number [sic, almost never] but on this night the Experience didn’t come back for encores, and their set ended as suddenly as it started. It was a little past 8 p.m. and the headlining act, which normally wouldn’t have even played yet, had already finished their set and left. After a twenty minute or so intermission while the stage was readied for the next band, Ballin’ Jack, the opening band turned closing band, took the stage and played their set. Remarkably the audience stuck it out in the fog and drizzle maybe in hopes that Jimi would play a second set which he never did. They may also have realized that they were getting gypped and decided to stick it out until they felt they had gotten their money’s worth.”
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Messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : RUSSIA

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeDim 20 Nov 2011 - 8:34

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Fa38c758654406a3fc4c63c48b01b677
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Messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : RUSSIA

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Sep 2012 - 14:42

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 72c1ebf264f35381ab81b0024b4d4e99
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Messages : 1539
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeLun 4 Mai 2015 - 16:27

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 59857719700621Ventura12
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Messages : 1539
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeLun 4 Mai 2015 - 16:27

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 99062419700621Ventura
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Messages : 303
Date d'inscription : 21/09/2010
Age : 49
Localisation : Villanova Junction

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Jan 2019 - 9:13

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Messages : 795
Date d'inscription : 06/06/2010
Age : 50

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeVen 4 Jan 2019 - 13:07

super ! cheers
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Messages : 454
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : RUSSIA

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Fév 2022 - 6:01

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 20aa5db81e95543f70fabe9f25b7ebaf
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Messages : 828
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2013
Age : 46
Localisation : Marseille

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeMar 22 Fév 2022 - 15:29

Great shot !!!
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Messages : 2390
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 63
Localisation : Chateauneuf les Martigues (en face d'Ajaccio)

Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitimeSam 11 Fév 2023 - 22:57

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MessageSujet: Re: Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970   Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970 Icon_minitime

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Ventura (County Fairgrounds) : 21 Juin 1970
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» San Bernardino (Swing Auditorium) : 20 juin 1970

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