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 Old Time (ATM 214-215)

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3 participants

Messages : 3126
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53

Old Time (ATM 214-215) Empty
MessageSujet: Old Time (ATM 214-215)   Old Time (ATM 214-215) Icon_minitimeLun 12 Juil 2010 - 13:58

Old Time (ATM 214-215 Rev.A)

Old Time (ATM 214-215) ATM-214-215+-+Front

Old Time revient sur la session du 23 janvier 1970 au Record Plant, à New York.

CD 1

1. Ezy Rider / Jam / Cherokee Mist
2. Ezy Rider / Jam / Cherokee Mist
3. Villanova Junction Jam
4. Once I Had A Woman
5. Once I Had A Woman

CD 2

1. Blue Suede Shoes - composite
2. Freedom Jam / Highway Of Desire / Seven Dollars In My Pocket
3. Country Blues / Astro Man (with harmonica)
4. Country Blues (without harmonica)
5. Country Blues - dry mix

Old Time est l'upgrade de l'ATM 045 : Sessions Vol.1: January 23, 1970 : La qualité est améliorée, et il y a plus de matériel. Les problèmes de vitesse sont réglés, et les clics digitaux corrigés.

Cette session, peut-être la plus inspirée depuis Electric Ladyland, a été largement commentée sur l'article consacré au pirate Record Plant Sessions 23 January 1970 - Two Inch Master Tapes

A propos de Old Time : This is as much of this session that's available at this point, and it sounds about as good as it's going to. As usual, pitch and phase correction were done and removal of a some digital clicks. The session order is not known with certainty, but some guesses can be made. The "Ezy Rider" (12) > Jam > Cherokee Mist (7) jam was placed first since John McDermott's book "Jimi Hendrix: Sessions" says that Don joined on harmonica partway through the session, and this is the only (available) track from the session without harmonica. An alternate mix (with the first 4 min missing) is also included; This is the mix that has Jimi talking about a broken string at the end (these vocals were mixed out of the longer version). Instruments are also placed differently in this mix. The "Villanova Junction" (18) Jam is the shorter version. When the longer 27+ minute version (17) starts circulating, there's room for that to be substituted in place of the shorter one. Disc 1 Track 4, "Once I Had a Woman" (1), is the ":Blues" mix, but runs to the end where the song breaks down (the ":Blues" version fades before this point). This version is the most complete one we have, but does have about 1 minute edited out of the middle. The old tape version (2) (with start and end cut, running 5:23) starts with this missing minute, so it was also included as Disc 1 Track 5. It's a different mix so it was worth including for that reason too. The modified version (3) from the 1975 release "Midnight Lightning" has 10 seconds or so extra right at the start that the other versions don't, but the overdubs render this virtually unusable. "Blue Suede Shoes" (2) has the start from (1) from "Loose Ends" joined on. It actually runs right into the long "Freedom" (10) Jam > "Highway of Desire" > "Seven Dollars In My Pocket" track, and the two have been joined together here. The start of "Country Blues" seems to follow from the end of "Seven Dollars In My Pocket", although there is some missing so they can't be connected. 3 different mixes of "Country Blues"are included. The longest (1) has the 2-minute "Astro Man" (5) instrumental at the end, and is a mix with harmonica. The (2) version with the harmonica mixed out is also included, as is the (3) "dry" mix without the echo effects. There are also shorter edits of the with- and without-harmonica mixes, but they weren't included, nothing really new with them. Official tracks were available as reference for pitch-synching for all tracks except for the "Villanova Junction" (18) Jam and the "Highway of Desire" jam. However, since "Blue Suede Shoes" (2) connects to the "Highway Of Desire" jam, and "Country Blues" also probably ran on from that, it was possible to match the pitch of "Highway Of Desire" to both of those tracks. That left "Villanova Junction" (18) Jam as the only track without an official pitch-synch reference.

Un pirate passionnant !

Dernière édition par Ayler le Sam 10 Oct 2020 - 14:07, édité 2 fois
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Messages : 452
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : RUSSIA

Old Time (ATM 214-215) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Old Time (ATM 214-215)   Old Time (ATM 214-215) Icon_minitimeSam 31 Mar 2012 - 20:00

http://home.earthlink.net/~ldouglasbell/jimi.htm -

Ezy Rider (41) / MLK Jam / Cherokee Mist (17)
Ezy Rider (12) / MLK Jam / Cherokee Mist (7)
Villanova Junction (17) Jam
Once I Had a Woman (4)
Once I Had a Woman (2)
Blue Suede Shoes (1)/(2) [composite] / 13:42
Freedom (10) Jam / Highway of Desire /$7 in My Pocket
Country Blues (1)/Astro Man (5)
Country Blues (2) / 8:35
Country Blues (6) 8:25

http://home.online.no/~hpjohnse/hendrix.html -

Ezy Rider" (12) > Jam > Cherokee Mist (7)
Ezy Rider "(12) > Jam > "Cherokee Mist" (7)
Villanova Junction" (18)
Once I Had a Woman" (1)
Once I Had A Woman" (2)
Blue Suede Shoes" (1 / 2) [composite]
Freedom" (10) Jam > "Highway of Desire" > "Seven Dollars In My Pocket
Country Blues" (1) > "Astro Man" (5)
Country Blues" (2)
Country Blues" (6)

to whom to trust? Laughing Laughing
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Messages : 552
Date d'inscription : 30/07/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Genève

Old Time (ATM 214-215) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Old Time (ATM 214-215)   Old Time (ATM 214-215) Icon_minitimeSam 31 Mar 2012 - 20:13

Doug Bell est plus à jour. Doug Bell is more up to date.
La différence est mineure. There is only minor difference between these versions.
Pour Ezy Ryder, tout est expliqué ici. For Ezy Ryder, everything is explained here.
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Old Time (ATM 214-215) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Old Time (ATM 214-215)   Old Time (ATM 214-215) Icon_minitime

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