Jimi Hendrix
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Jimi Hendrix

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 Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967

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2 participants


Messages : 1539
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967   Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeMar 13 Juil 2010 - 21:24

Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967

Deux shows mais pas de Setlist connue.

Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 6266012004ad317

Dernière édition par Mousme le Dim 10 Mai 2015 - 14:00, édité 2 fois
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967   Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Jan 2011 - 8:33


“A great guy on and off stage, Jimi Hendrix was in a very bouncy mood. His opening remark was: ‘I’m gonna put a curse on everyone so that all their babies are born naked.’ A remark which he obviously thought had some deep significance. He was wearing turquoise trousers and an old fashioned military jacket trimmed with silver braid and fur.
Jimi: ‘When I was six my grandmother gave me a Spanish jacket covered with baubles, and ever since I have loved ‘freaky’ clothes,’
- he explained. He described –
Jimi: ‘[My clothes are] freak and funky’
- and his wild music as –
Jimi: ‘[My music is] a touch of blues, jazz and rock.”
- He also agreed that –
Jimi: ‘[Some of my music is psychedelic]’
– no real beat and a sound in which the imagination of the audience plays a large part…”


“I wasn’t impressed with the performance [20 AprilLincoln, ABC] of singer Jimi Hendrix…his movements were far too suggestive for an audience mostly in the 14-18 age group. I didn’t like his music either, although the sound he made, taken from his movements, had some girls in hysterics. Jimi Hendrix opened with ‘Hey Joe’ and finished with his latest record ‘Purple Haze’.”
Jimi: “The bosses of the tour are giving us hell. The organisers don’t give us a chance to tune up before we go on stage. They say we are vulgar and obscene, but we play our act as we have always done everywhere else, and there have never been complaints before. We refuse to change our act and the result is my amplifier gets cut off at the funniest times, I wonder why? But I don’t let them hang me up. I play to the people and I don’t think our actions are obscene. We just get carried away by the music. It’s really funny playing for this tour. I don’t know if it’s like this on all tours, but just before I go on, I turn around and find a guitar string is broken, or my guitar is all out of tune after I just tuned it up. But they are not getting rid of us unless we’re officially thrown of the tour.
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Messages : 1539
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967   Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeDim 10 Mai 2015 - 14:00

Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 35773367march727b
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Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967   Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967 Icon_minitime

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Lincoln (ABC) : 20 avril 1967
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