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 Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967

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2 participants


Messages : 3345
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967   Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Juil 2010 - 21:57

Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967

Titres :

- Hey Joe
- Purple Haze

Source : http://home.earthlink.net/~ldouglasbell/dir1/jhe_sets.htm
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967   Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Jan 2011 - 8:22


“Forty minutes before curtains up [7 April,ABC Cinema], the right hand side door was briefly opened up to allow the press in. They included reporters and photographers from the Cumberland News, the Carlisle [Cumberland] Journal, and the Newcastle Journal. Engelbert Humperdinck caused quite a upset when he ordered the senior doorman to go out on to Warwick Road and stop a street hawker from selling uncomplimentary photographs of himself taken two years previously when he was working under the name of Gerry Dorsey.
The sea of faces pushing on the glass of the main front doors soon dissuaded the doorman from attempting to open the doors to take action on the street, and the incident was soon forgotten when Humperdinck was promoted to the star number one dressing room over the top of the bill, the Walker Brothers. They said they would gladly take the most humble dressing room and upon entering this room they all promptly sat on the floor to greet the press, as had been the procedure they had adopted on their recent Japanese tour.
Dressing rooms four and five were occupied by the Jimi Hendrix Experience and Cat Stevens. Jimi Hendrix was the only performer to excuse himself from the press call, complaining of a swollen ankle, the result he said from a fall during his service with the army, two [sic] years earlier. Noel and Mitch did however persuade Jimi to come into the corridor to sign a few autographs…The curtain rose at 19:07 and the Quotations did a fine job of warming the capacity audience up to a fine concert ahead. Compere Nick Jones took over the mike after four numbers and after a breezy display of his unique Liverpool wit, he introduced the Californians who dazzled the audience with their fabulous Beach Boys surfing sound…Nick Jones then had the unenviable task of entertaining the fans during the four minute interval that followed.
Soon the chants of Jimi, Jimi drowned the compere’s voice and the curtain lifted to screams of ecstasy from the Cumbrian fans. One young girl ran down the main aisle and managed to vault over the orchestra pit into Jimi’s own arms. A Carlisle Corporation bouncer named Ginger Watson gently escorted her off stage and the Lonsdale ABC echoed to the haunting sound of ‘Hey Joe’, Jimi’s opening number.
In the following numbers only ‘Purple Haze’ was distinguishable in the screams and cries of delight from the 2,000 fans. Jimi did a good impression of making love to his guitar on stage and then proceeded to pluck the strings with his teeth, at this stage, uppity St John’s Ambulance Brigade were busy reviving young girls who had either fainted or become hysterical. As the curtain came down 21 year old Nick Jones tried to keep his composure and prepare the audience to greet Engelbert Humperdinck, only to be drowned out by the continuing screams for Jimi.”
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967   Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Jan 2011 - 8:25


“Back to Friday and the ‘A.B.C.’ theatre in Carlisle [7 April] [...] It was truly entertaining, but why, why, why, are the vocalists mikes not turned up and the guitars down?
The show kicked off with the Beach Boy sound of the Companions [sic] Their harmony was terrific and you could hear every word.
The Jimi Hendrix Experience were next and I noted: ‘Backing fantastic, but this is a bad intro, I cannot hear a word he is singing!’
Then Engelbert took the stage, the girls started screaming, older people clapped, and he started what turned out to be a really professional act. He had the audience at his fingertips. Both ‘Release Me’ and ‘Midnight Hour’ brought the house down. Next came Cat Stevens, again the backing was far too loud, but his reception was good.
Finally the stars of the show, The Walker Brothers, took the stage and with backing from the eleven piece Quotations and some clever spot light opening, they turned in a great performance. The result screams nearly raised the roof. To sum up, a great show.”
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967   Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeDim 9 Avr 2017 - 18:12

Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 21y1x1


A noter que cette guitare est celle que Jimi avait dans ses mains sur les photos dans les loges à l'Astoria:

Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 63y789

Les marques sur le bord inférieur de la Strat sont identique.
Caesar avait tout faut. Cette guitare n'avait pas été brulé à l'Astoria.
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967   Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeDim 29 Sep 2019 - 14:26

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Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967   Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967 Icon_minitime

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Carlisle (ABC) : 7 avril 1967
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