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 Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)

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4 participants

Messages : 3122
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 52

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Empty
MessageSujet: Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)   Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Icon_minitimeSam 10 Juil 2010 - 16:52

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions

L'ATM réunissant les mixages des Sotheby's versions :

To The Highest Bidder - Sotheby's Plus (ATM 005)

CD 1

1. EXP (2) [Sotheby's mix]
2. EXP (3) [official mono]
3. EXP ( ) [safe stereo]
4. EXP (1) [official stereo]
5. Up from the Skies (3) [Sotheby's mix]
6. Up from the Skies (4) [official mono]
7. Up from the Skies (2) [safe stereo]
8. Up from the Skies (1) [official stereo]
9. Spanish Castle Magic (1) [Sotheby's mix]
10. Spanish Castle Magic (4) [official mono]
11. Spanish Castle Magic ( ) [safe stereo]
12. Spanish Castle Magic (2) [official stereo]  
13. Wait until Tomorrow (2) [Sotheby's mix]
14. Wait until Tomorrow (3) [official mono]
15. Wait until Tomorrow ( ) [safe stereo]
16. Wait until Tomorrow (1) [official stereo]
17. Ain't No Telling (3) [Sotheby's mix]
18. Ain't No Telling ( ) [alternate mix]
19. Ain't No Telling (5) [official mono]
20. Ain't No Telling (2) [safe stereo]
21. Ain't No Telling (1) [official stereo]
22. Little Wing (16) [instrumental take, Box Set LP]
23. Little Wing (3) [official mono]
24. Little Wing (2) [safe stereo]
25. Little Wing (1) [official stereo]
26. If 6 Was 9 (2) [official mono]
27. If 6 Was 9 (4) [alternate mono mix, Box Set LP ]

CD 2  

1. If 6 Was 9 ( ) [safe stereo]
2. If 6 Was 9 (1) [official stereo]
3. You Got Me Floatin' (3) [official mono]
4. You Got Me Floatin' (2) [safe stereo]
5. You Got Me Floatin' (1) [official stereo]
6. Castles Made of Sand (3) [Sotheby's mix]
7. Castles Made of Sand (5) [official mono]
8. Castles Made of Sand (2) [safe stereo]
9. Castles Made of Sand (1) [official stereo]
10. Castles Made of Sand (4) [one track of official stereo, played backwards; edited]
11. She's So Fine (4) [alternate mix, original lead vocal]
12. She's So Fine (3) [official mono]
13. She's So Fine (2) [safe stereo]
14. She's So Fine (1) [official stereo]
15. One Rainy Wish (5) [Sotheby's mix]
16. One Rainy Wish (4) [official mono]
17. One Rainy Wish (3) [safe stereo]
18. One Rainy Wish (1) [official stereo]
19. One Rainy Wish (2) [alternate mix, start with voiceover omitted, Lifelines]
20. Little Miss Lover (3) [mono, acetate take, UniVibes CD   cleanup]
21. Little Miss Lover (2) [official mono]
22. Little Miss Lover ( ) [safe stereo]
23. Little Miss Lover (1) [official stereo]
24. Little Miss Lover (6) [alternate mix, Box Set LP]

CD 3  

1. Bold as Love (7) [instrumental take, Box Set LP]
2. Bold as Love (2) [Sotheby's mix]
3. Bold as Love (3, 4) [alternate mixes]
4. Bold as Love (5) [official mono]
5. Bold as Love ( ) [safe stereo]
6. Bold as Love (1) [official stereo]
7. Mr. Bad Luck (1) [Studio Haze]
8. Mr. Bad Luck (1) [different mix, Lifelines)
9. Taking Care of No Business (2) [no overdubs, Box Set LP]
10. Taking Care of No Business (1) [with overdubs, different spoken vocals; Studio Haze]
11. Cat Talkin' to Me (1) [vocal take, Studio Haze]
12. Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice (1) [mono, acetate take]
13. Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice (5) [alternate mono mix]
14. Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice (4) [alternate stereo mix]
15. Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice (2) [official mono mix, Singles Album CD]
16. Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice (3) [official stereo mix, Loose Ends CD]
17. Angel (7) [instrumental take, SSD LP]
18. Angel (10) [early vocal take, Box Set LP]

Dernière édition par Ayler le Sam 10 Oct 2020 - 14:30, édité 1 fois
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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)   Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Icon_minitimeDim 19 Déc 2010 - 21:50

thank you
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Messages : 2610
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 51
Localisation : Dunkerque (France)

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)   Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Icon_minitimeDim 19 Déc 2010 - 22:59

Where do you come from 59strat? (soit, tu as 59 ans, soit tu viens du Nord, ou les deux, ou alors tu affectionnes les stratos de 1959? ) You're welcome like everybody here!!!! Wink
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Messages : 2
Date d'inscription : 19/12/2010

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)   Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Icon_minitimeLun 20 Déc 2010 - 3:03

I'm from Ohio in the United States, Trying to find the Links to download these but not having any luck
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Messages : 2610
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 51
Localisation : Dunkerque (France)

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)   Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Icon_minitimeLun 20 Déc 2010 - 9:37

ask to Ayler! Wink
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Messages : 128
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2010

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)   Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Icon_minitimeLun 20 Déc 2010 - 11:50

Idem pour moi, j'ai cherché, je n'ai pas trouvé.
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Messages : 3122
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 52

Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)   Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Icon_minitimeLun 20 Déc 2010 - 13:06

Se rendre ici !
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Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)   Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160) Icon_minitime

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Axis: Bold as Love - The Sessions (ATM 158-160)
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