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 Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967

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4 participants


Messages : 3346
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Juil 2010 - 18:55

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967

Dernière édition par Titi le Lun 12 Juil 2010 - 23:56, édité 1 fois
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Electric Thing

Electric Thing

Messages : 2072
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeVen 9 Juil 2010 - 0:24

Setlist partielle :
- Purple Haze
- Wild Thing
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Jan 2011 - 22:19

Témoignage de Dave Manvell.
Interview par Graham Oliver.

GO: What do you remember of that night at the Mojo Club?
DM: The gig is something that will stay with me forever – a night of rock history. Of course we have to thank Peter Stringfellow as he was very forward-looking and booked Jimi Hendrix to play at the Mojo Club.
But it was touch and go whether the Jimi Hendrix Experience would play that evening in Sheffield as the night before the band had been involved in a drug bust at the Twisted Wheel venue in Manchester. Noel Redding was hung by his coat on some railings by the police, apparently breaking two of his ribs; the officers concerned were later dismissed for this. I met Noel Redding a couple of years ago and he still vividly remembers that night….

GO: How did the Mojo Club gig in Sheffield go?
DM: Even before the gig started there were problems as the Sheffield police had been tipped off about the night before in Manchester. Peter Stringfellow told me an amusing story about this.
The police in Sheffield at that time didn’t quite know what to do when they received the tip-off from Manchester, so they sent in the fire brigade to check upon things! As Peter related it to me, two burly firemen came into the Mojo Club to see Jimi and said to him, “Come on blackie, where are the drugs?” To which Jimi replied, “No drugs in here, man!”
They looked around and could not find anything, so Peter told them to apologise to Jimi, which they did. Jimi replied, “Hey, cool, man” from behind a large spliff he had just lit up….
GO: Did you get a chance to talk to Jimi that night?
DM: Yes, but only a few words. While he was playing I stood on the floor beside him, the stage being only 12 to 18 inches high. When he took a break, he stepped off the stage and asked me the way to the toilets, so I told him to follow me.
As we stood together, he asked me if he could get some “stuff.” I told him to hang around at the club as this was the usual place to buy. Of course it was all very innocent in those days – usually uppers and downers, which had been taken from grannies’ pill bottles.
GO: Can you tell me anything about the guitars Jimi used that night, and what songs he played?
DM: As I remember it, Jimi had two Stratocasters: a sunburst and a blue one.
They played “Purple Haze,” which Jimi said they were going to record (they did so three days later, on 11 January 1967). They also performed “Wild Thing” – Jimi talked about incorporating the British National Anthem into it to suit the occasion.
Jimi also played something he called his version of the Blitz. It had wailing sirens and explosions all generated by his guitar and amps [possibly “Third Stone From The Sun”].
And he did all the usual things, like playing behind his back, playing with his teeth, attacking the amps with his guitar, and bouncing the guitar on the stage. I recall him changing to the blue Strat for the destructive bit.
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Jan 2011 - 22:26

On apprends ici que le groupe avait été victime d'un descente de la police le soir avant à Manchester. Noel avait eu deux cotes cassé après avoir été suspendu par son manteau sur une barrière. Les officiers ont été suspendu après l'incident.
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Electric Thing

Electric Thing

Messages : 2072
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Jan 2011 - 0:08

Et peut-être un "Third Stone From The Sun" ?
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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2011

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Sep 2012 - 13:36

Il est très improbable qu'il a effectué Purple Haze à cette date précoce.
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Sep 2012 - 14:35

Salut Chimichunga, bienvenue au forum.

Pas si improbable que ça. Ils étaient au studio trois jours plus tard pour l'enregistrer.
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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 17/04/2011

Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeLun 3 Sep 2012 - 18:44

Salut Purple Jim
Je suppose que c'est possible, ils ont pu l'essayer avant d'entrer dans le studio.
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Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967   Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967 Icon_minitime

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Sheffield (Tolbar mojo A Go-Go) : 8 janvier 1967
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