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 Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967

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2 participants


Messages : 1539
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967   Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Juil 2010 - 10:23

Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967

Deux Shows joués ce soir là mais pas de Setlist connue.
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967   Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Jan 2011 - 13:13

SHEFFIELD STAR- ’A Moving Experience’ by K.S. Though:
“The Move may be the Prime Minister's "favourite" pop group, they can have few friends among SheffieldCity Hall attendants. Not after last night's debacle during their spot in the Jimi Hendrix headline package. Adolescent girls—the screaming majority of a pop audience these days — naturally want to touch their idols; but officials must have blessed Carl Wayne, lead singer with The Move. Squatting at the edge of the stage and even stepping onto the floor, he invited a stampede... and got it. Hysterics apart. The Move ARE a good group, however, ably presenting such tunes as "Flowers in the Rain" and "The Price of Love."
Like an electrified golliwog, Jimi Hendrix threw himself into a livewire act that featured his intricate guitar interpretation. Quite an EXPERIENCE. Recent "Gin House" hitmakers. Amen Comer, are a promising new group, and their latest offering the excellent "World of Broken Hearts," deserves chart success. Yorkshire group The Outer Limits opened the proceedings, while The Eire Apparent — not unnaturally Irish — sang three numbers. Ex-Radio London DJ Pete Drummond struggled to keep order.”
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Sheffield (City Hall) : 17 novembre 1967
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