Jimi Hendrix
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Jimi Hendrix

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 Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967

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3 participants
Electric Thing

Electric Thing

Messages : 2072
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !

Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967   Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Juil 2010 - 0:28

Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967

Concert de dimanche.
Pas de set-list connu.


Ian Perks saw the gig, and met Hendrix while out shopping
"He was absolutely sensational - it was one of those 'once in a lifetime' experiences."

"The way that guitar was played was just phenomenal, and the atmosphere.
I'd seen other shows at the Gaumont - what I'd class a teenybopper type shows - but to experience the whole (Hendrix) thing was unreal.
He was my idol, and what actually happened was on the afternoon of the concert I went to buy the album "Are Your Experienced", and then while we were walking through Boots, Hendrix actually tapped me on the shoulder and signed his autograph on the album cover. In those days about a third of the Boots store was dedicated to selling records. I'm told the signed album is worth a couple of hundred pounds now."

Chris from Worcester :
"He was absolutely fantastic, but I don't think he was top of the bill - that was Englebert Humpidinck.
What makes me think it was Englebert Humperdinck was that there were some ladies in front of us and they were moaning about Hendrix, because they wanted to see Englebert.
We wanted to see Hendrix and there was a bit of a battle going on.
We were in about the fifth or sixth row from the front, and he was very good. I think he was a lot before his time really, I just think he was brilliant.He was a bit more outrageous than the normal people we used to see."

Source :
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Electric Thing

Electric Thing

Messages : 2072
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !

Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967   Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Juil 2010 - 0:29

Citation :
Ayler a dit : Le premier témoignage pose problème : "Are You Experienced" n'était pas encore sorti début avril 1967. Confusion avec une autre date ?
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967   Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Jan 2011 - 8:00

‘Frenzied Fans At Pop Show’
“[…]Most people had not really come to see Jimi Hendrix, but he left the audience breathless with the sheer force and volume that his three man group pounded out. His left hand heavily bandaged from a burn he received doing his act on Friday. He opened with his hit ‘Hey Joe’ and then went into the similar ‘Purple Haze’. A lengthy version of ‘Like A Rolling Stone’ followed before his act ended with the Troggs’ ‘Wild Thing’. Jimi battered his guitar against his amplifiers, and the drums fell down to close an act that is better suited to the clubs than the barrenness of a package show.”

Source : Evening News
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Messages : 754
Date d'inscription : 11/07/2010

Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967   Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Icon_minitimeMer 22 Juin 2011 - 10:14

Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 11122919670402GaumontWorcester
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Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967   Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967 Icon_minitime

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Worcester (Gaumont) : 2 avril 1967
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