KANSAS CITY STAR - by Peg McMahon:
“Hendrix promised an experience and delivered. At the very least, it makes you believe in an underground. It exists....
People came expecting great music. They got it. All the standard concert rules were thrown away. People were invited to smoke during the performance, to crowd the stand when Hendrix performed. By the end,
thou sands had left their seats and found themselves sitting or kneeling in front of the bandstand. There was no pushing or disorderly mess. They just wanted to get close.
Remember the ‘V’ peace signal: two fingers held in the air? It was everywhere during the Chicago Democratic convention and it replaced applause in the auditorium last night. It’s a scary, beautiful thing to see it from 10,000 hands. It’s a scary, beautiful thing to see three men do that to 10,000 people.
Remember the story of the Pied Piper? After last night, it was believable. Jimi Hendrix could have led that crowd down Main Street if he had wanted to. I don’t know whom we have to thank that he didn’t.
It was like a revival meeting. There were no non-participants. It makes you believe in an underground. And you’re almost afraid to wonder where it will all lead.”