| Jimi Hendrix Le forum francophone |
| Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 | |
+12jmarshallh Purple Jim b50ss17 jimitree Mitch007 Tiger Tontonjimi Sgt. Pepper Titi upfromtheskies Electric Thing Ayler 16 participants | |
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Ayler Admin
Messages : 3126 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53
| Sujet: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Sam 10 Juil 2010 - 23:33 | |
| Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969
Titres :
1. Earth vs Space (avec des extraits de Gypsy Eyes, Keep On Groovin', Red House, Machine Gun) 2. The Things I Used To Do 3. Jam (avec des extraits de Train Kept A Rollin', Power Of Soul-Earth Blues, Get My Heart Back Together, Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - Fast Jam (avec des extraits de Sunshine Of Your Love, Come On (part 1), Star Spangled Banner) 4. We Gotta Live Together - Feel So Good
Source chroniquée :
It Never Takes An End The Genuine Pig Records (1990)
Attention : certaines sources sont plus complètes. Il existe un Merge combinant source Soundboard et source "audience" d'une part, et certains pirates présentent une source Soundboard plus longue (90 minutes). Si le Merge publié depuis rend ce pirate quelque peu obsolète, il n’en reste pas moins que "Earth Versus Space" est sans aucun doute un des inédits les plus intéressants qui soit.
Le pirate s'ouvre sur ainsi sur ce fameux Earth Versus Space (12:53). Buddy Miles lance un rythme irrésistible sur lequel Jimi nous propose une guitare rythmique qui vaut tous les solos du monde ! Groove, mais très rock en même temps. Subtil tout en étant puissant. La rythmique parfaite !!! Son chant, largement improvisé, est très entrainant. Beaucoup de citations (Gypsy Eyes, Keep On Moving, Machine Gun...) complètent les impros vocales. En fait, dans une large mesure, c'est déjà du Band Of Gypsys. Rythmes obsessionnels, échanges style questions/réponses Jimi/Buddy au chant... Dans le genre, c'est parmi ce que j'ai entendu de mieux. En refaisant le mix, pour moi ce titre peut sortir tel quel : c'est un brulot.
Things That I Used To Do est assez différente de la version avec Johnny Winter. Plus lente, un jeu plus relaché... Un chant lancinant... Jimi était en excellente forme vocale ! Mais au moment du chorus, là c'est une explosion, un déluge, la bombe atomique !!! Jimi joue encore plus saturé que sur les versions extrèmes de Reh House ! Argh !!! Méga pied... et STUPEUR : un fondu de fermeture en plein milieu de la géniale furie Hendrixienne A ce stade, toutes les hypothèses sont possibles... mais bon, ce qui est pris est pris, et ces 3 minutes 26, je les garde !
Le troisième titre est une longue Jam avec le Buddy Miles Express qui dure plus d'une 1/2 heure ! Le premier 1/3 est un peu dans le style de la fameuse Jam du 23 janvier 1970 évoquée plus haut. Une chanteuse chante un peu The Train Kept A Rollin' avant que Jimi ne joue des thèmes qu'il développera plus amplement par la suite : Paper Airplanes (ou Power Of Soul/Power Of Love), Earth Blues. Mais aussi Hear My Train. Vers 12', Jimi enchaîne avec Voodoo Chile (SR), avant de laisser la place à un sax puis un harmo. Ses parties de guitare rythmiques, sans égaler celles du premier titre, balancent bien (avec le bassiste, ils collent super bien). Vers 20', Buddy reprend un chant soul sur une rythmique un peu dans le style du Morrison Lament. Avant que le tout soit dynamité par une rythmique à la Elmore James déménageant salement ! Passage chanté de Buddy, puis solo super saturé dans un premier temps avant que Jimi ne s'amuse comme un diable avec les rythmiques infernales dont il a le secret (reprise du solo d'harmo en même temps). Beaucoup de citation de Cream par Jimi : Outside Woman Blues, puis Sunshine Of Your Love (en blues !). Et là il enchaîne sur Come On (vers 25'). Solo déchainé de Jimi. Bien remixé... il y a vraiment de la matière. A 28', il s'amuse à jouer l'hymne américain sur la rythmique ! Puis part dans un solo peu conventionnel en matière de Blues... Hé hé L'harmo repart en solo alors que Jimi reprend une rythmique comme seul lui sait faire. Harmo saturé à souhait... bon solo supplanté par le sax pour les deux dernières minutes (la fin est éditée...).
L'ultime titre est chanté par Buddy Miles rejoint par Eric Burdon. Sur une rythmique qui est un proto Hey Baby. Solo très saturé de Jimi avant reprise du chant par EB qui nous demande si l'on est "Stone free"... Sympa, mais ça traîne un peu en longueur.
Conclusion : Le Earth Versus Space qui ouvre l'album justifie à lui seul son acquisition. Il y a bien sûr des longueurs sur les Jams 3 et 4 (avec de telles durées, c'est inévitable). Mais au bout du compte, on a tout de même l'immense plaisir d'entendre Jimi jouer d'autres titres que ceux de la tournée US 69 avec l'Experience.
Bref, vous l'aurez compris, je suis enthousiaste !
Dernière édition par Ayler le Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 23:53, édité 1 fois | |
| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 13:50 | |
| - Citation :
- Ayler a dit : Voici ce que donne la comparaison des durées avec le Merge :
Beelzebub Records / Merge
1. Earth Versus Space 13:00 / 14:25 2. The Things I Used To Do (The Sky Is Crying) 6:05 / 10:57 3. We Gotta Live Together 19:22 / 33:29 Feel So Good 14:01
1. Train Kept A Rollin' 4:10 / 33:02 Power Of Soul 3:50 Hear My Train A Comin' 3:41 Voodoo Child (Slight Return) 9:01 Jam/Come On & More 12:37
Bref, le Merge sonne mieux et est plus complet = Edition définitive. | |
| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 13:53 | |
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| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 13:54 | |
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| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 13:54 | |
| Sunday 22 June 1969 Northridge, Devonshire Downs (race track), Devonshire Street & Zelzah Avenue, San Fernando Valley, California, USA Jam - ‘Newport 69’ festival - the biggest prior to Woodstock – with Jimi – guitar & vocal, Buddy Miles – drums & vocal; Bob Arthur – bass (Mother Earth), Eric Burdon – vocal & “acrobatics”; Bonnie (O’Farrell) Bramlett [falsely aka “Sunshine”] – vocal & “acrobatics”; Tracy Nelson (Mother Earth) vocal/backing vocals; Sadie Cantrell, Irma Routen & Lady Corder - backing vocals (Mother Earth); Cornelius ‘Snooky’ Flowers & Terry Clements – sax (both Janis Joplin band, who did NOT perform at this festival. Terry was formerly in Electric Flag with Buddy); Lee Oskar – harmonica (Eric Burdon band, ‘War’?); Tom Webb (The Flock) – flute, and [an unknown black man. Possibly from Eric Burdon’s band? The Chambers Bros?] drums.
There is no record of Janis Joplin and her band (only known as the ‘Kozmic Blues Band’ after they disbanded from the title of Janis’ LP “I Got Dem Ol Kozmic Blues Again Mama!. ‘Full Tilt’ was only formed in 1970) performing at the festival, but as they were recording their KBB LP in nearby Los Angeles between the 16th and 23rd, two members of her group turned up to jam.
Jimi & Buddy prominently featured Buddy’s ‘We Got To Live Together’ (possibly written for this occasion?) No doubt an answer to the racist abuse at the Experience show two days earlier. He only featured this song once more - as the finale at his - all black artists - show at the Fillmore East with the Band of Gypsys.
Jimi –vocal & guitar, Buddy – drums & backing vocal, Bob Arthur – bass
Jimi : [Tape cut] …here is completely out of sight. We’ll go over by that way. Listen, we’re gonna pretend we forget about everything, alive and dead, and call it Earth versus Space, all right. Here we go [checks tuning]… Aud : [Usual shouting match “sit down!” etc. Mass rhythmic clapping]
1. EARTH VERSUS SPACE [Stone Free theme: ‘Got to keep movin’’, this long jam includes lyrics from several songs]
Grab just what you know We ain’t got time to go down Ain’t got time to slow down Got to keep movin’, now Got to keep movin’ Got to keep movin’, chile, now, now, now, now
Well, I realise that I’ve been hypnotised I love your Gypsy eye-eyes I love your Gypsy eye-eyes I love your Gypsy eye-eyes
3. <MIDNIGHT LIGHTNING> [backing vocal Buddy Miles]
I got to keep on movin’ Make love on my dyin’ bed I got to keep on movin’ Make love on my dyin’ bed I got to stop cigarrette smokin’ Or else I’ll cough my lungs to death I got to stop cigarrette smokin’ (Keep on movin’) I’m gonna cough my lungs to death (Oh, keep on mo-ovin’) Hey-hey-hey etc. (Hey-hey etc.) Do-do-doodle-oo etc.
(Doo-de-doo-doo etc…)
I’ve forgot some words, but there ain’t no ha-ha words to say We’re gonna look around an’ see if we can make up some words
4. < “THERE’S A WAR GOIN’ ON” > [This bears no resemblance to Red House apart from those two words. Jimi wrote a short lyric using the line ‘There’s a war goin’ on’ although the other five lines are not used here]
I see you sittin’ there in your overhaul Formed by a few, complete bummer There’s a war goin’ on Hey, baby, now Come on down with me (Come on down with me) Come on down with me, child (Come on down with me) Come on down with me, chile (Come on down with me) Are groovin’ any better now Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah (Hey-ey, hey-yeah)
Goin’ down the red house (Don’t go down the red house) Goin’ down the red house (Goin’ down the red house) Drink some businessman wine We’re gonna turn the tide There’s a war goin’ on, yeah War goin on, chile
Hey, machine gun Tearin’ my body all to pieces Said machine gun, chile Tear my body all apart, now, now Even though we’re only families apart
*According to Jimi this addresses at least two subjects, one is war and the other is personal struggle “People fighting wars within’ themselves.” See song?verse? below
6. <“SOMETIMES I WONDER”? (Sounds like Devon again!)
Sometimes you make me wonder I get the blues, and then I wonder, chile, yeah Oh, you make me stay out late at night Never come home, and fuss and fight Who’s a fool, me or you? Sometimes I wonde-er, yeah Sometimes I wonde-er Oh, sometimes I wonder, chile, now
Is that a woman, man
Jimi : Hope you don’t mind us just makin’ up things as we go along, just. That’s what life is about, the only thing we just write our own scrïpts that’s all [tuning] Like to-uh, see if we can do a blues in a minute. If that’s all right? We’ll sing you the blues [tuning] ? : Sing it with it… ? : Let’s get the sound right first ha-ha Girl : Joey’s knockin’ around Jimi : [Playing intro to song] We’re gonna try and do a slow blues, now, okay. It’s called The Things I Used To Do Aud : [Usual shouting match “sit down!” etc.] Jimi : I wish I could, heh [guitar ‘says’ ‘Motherfucker’… tuning again] Aud : [Still a shouting match “sit down!” etc.]…
Jimi –vocal & guitar, Bob Arthur – bass, Buddy – drums
7. THE THINGS I USED TO DO (Eddie ‘Guitar Slim’ Jones)
The things that I used to do-o Lord, I won’t do no mo-ore Lord, the things that I used to do-o Come on, for me Lord, I won’t do no mo-ore Turn it louder I used to sit and hold your hand, baby Turn it up! Turn it up! Cry-y-y, beg you not to go no-ow
I search all night for you baby-y Lord, and my search would always end in vain ‘Cause I searched you out, baby
Lord, I searched all night for you Lord, and my search would always end in vai-ai-ain Yeah, end in vain ‘Cause I knew that all the time, baby That you was hid out with your other ma-a-an That’s right, yeah, that’s why I still got my guitar
Aud : [Applause]
Buddy – vocal & drums, Jimi – guitar, Bob Arthur – bass
8. “SLOW BLUES” (George ‘Buddy’ Miles) [quotes lyrics from THE SKY IS CRYIN’ (Elmore James)]
We-he-he-eh-eh-he-ell I said, I worry, worry, worry, worry, worry Oh yeah, that’s all I ever do-o You see I lost my sweet baby An’ I’m just in a daze an’ I don’t know, know-know-know I don’t, babe, know what to do
The sky is cryin’ Look at the tea-ears fa-all like rai-ain O-o-o-oh-I-I I said the sky is cryi-in-n’ And the tea-ea-a-a-ears fa-all dow-own like rain I still wonder when I’m gonna see my baby An’ I’m hopi-in’ she’ll come back to me
Everyday, now I said the sky is cryin’ An’ I don’t know, I don’t know, I don’t know, know-know-know, know-know Know-know, I said I got a I said I got a problem, I said I don’t want I wonder, wonder If I’m getting’ crazier, ye-a-ah I said, aaah! what a poor boy to do-o I don’t want to know, I do my job
We-he-he-ell, am I glad to see you, my baby She-ee-oo-woo-hoo-ooh She-ee-hee-ee-hoo She-ee-hee-ee-hee-ee-hee-hoo-ooh
I wonder-er I said I’m just sittin’ down an’ wonderin’ am I An’ I said I wanna realise that I wanna Oh, that I wanna go freak-out an’ testify, yes I do Oh, an’ I wanna know the World about it I want everybody to know about it Everybody to shout abou-ou-ou-out it
An’ I just-uh wonder I said I-I-I wonder When she’s gonna come back to me, right now
[Tape cut]
Buddy – vocal & [some drums?], Tracy Nelson - vocal (briefly), Jimi – guitar, backing vocal, Bob Arthur – bass, Snooky Flowers & Terry Clements – sax, Lee Oskar – harmonica, Tracy Nelson, Sadie Cantrell, Irma Routen & Lady Corder - backing vocals & [unknown] drums
9. WE GOT TO LIVE TOGETHER (George ‘Buddy’ Miles)
Everybody clap your hands, come on
Now, I want everybody to take a look at yourselves, and everybody around you, and at each other, and I want you all to, to repeat after me, singin’
Oh We got to live together We got to live together Everybody louder We got to live together Oh We got to live together I said We got to live togethe-er Yeah, everybody We got to live together I said We got to live together, ye-ah We got to live together O-oh, baby We got to live together Oh We got to live together I can’t hear you now Oh We got to live together Everybody We got to live together Aud: We got to live together! Oh We got to live together Oh We got to live together Aud: We got to live together! Can you stand up and testify you a-all Can everybody stand up and testify Aud: [Cries of affirmation] Do you think we can live together Do you want to get it on together Let me hear you say yeah Aud: Yeah uh-Say yeah Aud: Yeah! Say yeah Aud : Yeah! Say, Hell, yeah Aud : Yeah! Well, then I know-w we can get it on, y’all If we make it, if we try-y-y One more ti-ime We gotta live together Oh We gotta live together Oh, I said now We got to live togethe-e-er We got to live together (We gotta live together) Everybody sing We got to live together Oh We got to live (We got to live together) No-o-o-o-ow!
This is all ri-ight, ye-a-ah All ri-ight All ri-ight, yeah It’s all right, now,now We gotta live togethe-er We gotta live together No-o-o-o-ow! N-o-o-o-ow! Now, now, now! It’s a-all right! It’s a-all right now, yeah I said, now We got to live together Oh We got to live togethe-er We got to li-ive togethe-er
[Jimi quotes SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE ([John] ‘Jack’ Bruce, Pete Brown & Eric Clapton)]
Just remember one thi-ing Before we sto-op, ah, this so-ong To si-ing to yourself, over, and over Sing this si-imple so-ong
Aud : [Start clapping and singing together]
We got to live together Aud: We got to live together We got to live together Aud: We got to live together Everybody’s got to live togethe-er! Aud: We gotta live together I said now, now We got to live together We got to live together We got to live together I said now We got to live togethe-er Oh-oh, I said now, now We got to live togethe-er (We got to live together, now) I said now We got to live together, yeah (Oh, we got to live together, yeah) Say it now Jimi! We got to live togethe-er! yeah (We got to live togethe-er, ye-e-eah) O-o-oh We got to live togethe-er! yeah (We got to live together) Oh, sing it! We got to live together (Hey, we got to live together) Oh, sing it! We got to live together (Got to live together) Oh, we got to live We got to live together (We got to live together) Said We got to live together Said We got to live together We got to live together Aud: We got to live together Aud: We got to live together Aud: We got to live together We got to live together Aud: We got to live together Everybody! Aud: We gotta live together We got to live together We got to live together Said We got to live together We got to live together Everybody’s got to live together y’all
I said now We got to live together O-oh! I said now We got to live together, yeah, now Said, now We got to live together Got to live together We got to live together We got to live together We got to live together
We got to live together (We got to live together) (We got to live together) (We got to live together) Yeah, yeah (We got to live together) (We got to live together) Yeah, yeah, no-ow (We got to live together) (I said now) (We got to live together)
One more time you a-a--all
Now We got to live together We got to live together (We got to live together) We got to live together (We got to live together) We got to live together (We got to live together) Hey, now, now (We got to live together) Hey, now (We got to live together) Hey, now (We got to live together) Oh, yeah (We got to live together) I said we got to go on… (We got to live together) … in this world, now… (We got to live together) …sufferin’ for lovin’-uh (We got to live together) Summer’s always all right, now (We got to live together) Within us is a cat who works from one another (We got to live together) Everything gonna be all right, ye-ah! (We got to live together) We got to live together (We got to live together) Wo-oh, now! We got to live togethe-er (We got to live together) Now, now, I said We got to live together (We got to live together) Wo-oh, I said We got to live together, yeah, yeah (We got to live together) Said we got to go on out And pick up one another-er, yeah (We got to live together) Oh, I said now, we got to Lo-o-ove one another, ye-eah, yeah (We got to live together) Ye-e-e-eah! Yeah! (We got to live together) All right! (Everybody’s got to live together)
We got to live together! (We got to live together) I said now We got to live together (We got to live together) (We got to live together) I said now Everybody’s got to live together (We got to live together) (We got to live together) I said now We got to live together (We got to live together) We got to live together (We got to live together) We got to live together (We got to live together) I said now We got to live together (We got to live together) I said now We got to live together (We got to live together) Now, no-ow We got to live together (We got to live together) Oh, Lord, l know, now (We got to live together) I know, I know, I kno-ow (We got to live together) I said every dog-on ti-ime (We got to live together) Every single ti-ime (We got to live together) On an’ on, on, all ri-ight, yeah (We got to live together) (Ye-eah) I said, now We got to live together ah-ah (We got to live together) (Ye-eah) (We got to live together) O-o-oh! yeah, I said (Oh, I know) We got to live together, yeah, yeah, yeah (We got to live together) O-o-oh, Lord, Lord! We got to live together! yeah, yeah (We got to live together) (We got to live together) We got to live together, yeah now (We got to live together) (We got to live together) Oh, I said now We got to live together (We got to live together) We got to live together (We got to live together) We got to live together! (We got to live together) We got to live together! (We got to live together)
We’ve got to, got to, we’ve got to You’ve got to, got to, got to You’ve just got to have your mind set to (You’ve just got to have your mind set) (Got to, got to, got to) Got to, thank God (Got to, just got to, got to) Everybody sing (Got to, got to, got to) (Got to, got to, got to) (Got to, got to, got to) (We’ve got to, got to, got to) (We’ve got to, got to, just got to) (We got to, ooh) We’ve got to live together (We’ve got to live together) Everybody sing We’ve got to live togethe-er (We’ve got to live together) We’ve got to live together (We’ve got to live together) We’ve got to live together (We’ve got to live together) We’ve got to live together (We got to live together) (We got to live) (We got to live together) (We’ve got to live) A-all, li-ive, together (We got to live together) (We’ve got to li-i-ive) O-oh, we can live togethe-er A-all right, a-all right Oh, everybody si-ing, ye-e-eah
Everybody singin’ a simple so-ong, y’all Yeah-well-all-ri-ight-yeah-um I just want everybody to understand it no-ow An’ I just want e-e-everybody to feel all ri-ight Yes I do-o, well all right An’ I just want you to know-ow one thi-ing About my symphony, it don’t live foreve-ever-r-r Gonna be-bop-a-lu-la, said be-bop
Come on We got to live together Everybody clap your ha-ands now Clap your ha-ands, if you want to live together Aud: [Start clapping in earnest] Clap your ha-ands, if you If you want to keep it together, y’all, yeah Clap your hands Clap your ha-ands If you’re to li-ive You’ve got to do it right, y’a-all You’ve got to do it right every day ‘Cause we ain’t go-ot alo-ong You all know-ow is a-all And we gotta lo-ove We gotta lo-ove an’ understand one another We gotta di-ig, we’ve gotta di-i-ig one another-er, yeah (Do, do) An’ the most important thing of a-all, y’a-all (Do, do, we do) We got to (We do, do, we do) We got to get right down an’ lo-ove (Do, we do) I mean lo-ove one another (Do, we do, we do) Yea-eah, yeah, yeah, yeah (Do, we do) Oh, ye-ah Oo yeah Hallelujah All sing Hallelujah Sing Hallelujah
A-a-a-ah! All right! Sayin’ now We got to live together Now We got to live togethe-er We got to live We got to li-ive toge-e-ethe-e-er, ye-eah, now Yeah! We got to live together We got to live together We got to live together We got to li-ve together (Do We got to li-ve together Do, do, do Loooooooooooord!! Loooooooooooord!! Knoooows I love, I love her Looove her but God knows Lord, above Ooooh, Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord Looord, Lord Do, do, do Do, do, do All right It’s out of sight It’s all right Little bit of rain It’s all right It’s all Yeah Yeah Little bit of rain Okay
Keep singin’
I know we can go on and on with this song, y’all But we’re gonna take it on home no-ow But just remember o-one thi-ng-uh Just remember o-one thing Just remember that we-e-e go-ot We got to a-alwa-ays li-ive, together Just remember o-one thi-ing That we alway-ay-ay-ays, got to li-ive We a-alway-ay-ay-ay-ays We all, we all, we alwa-a-a-a-ays Got to li-ive together Burdon: Always A-alwa-ays Burdon: A-always We always got to li-ive and learn to lo-ove one Burdon: Always
Eric Burdon vocal, Buddy vocal, Jimi – guitar, Bob Arthur – bass, Lee Oskar – harmonica, Snooky Flowers & Terry Clements – sax, Tom Webb – flute, Tracy Nelson, Sadie Cantrell, Irma Routen & Lady Corder - backing vocals, [unknown] drums
10. < “I FEEL SO GOOD” (This chorus possibly taken from the William ‘Big Bill’ Broonzy song?)
Feel, feel love Feel, feelin’ good Feel, feelin’ good Feelin’ Feelin’ so good Feelin’ Feelin’… so good Feelin’ so good Feelin’ Feelin’ Feelin’ so good Feelin’ so good Feelin’ Aud: [Start screaming and clapping about something]
Feeli-in’ Feelin’ so good Feel all right Feel all ri-ight So, Lord, Lord, don’t kno-ow
It’s all right Oh Lord, don’t kno-ow But it’s all right Oh Lo-o-o-ord Oh Lord, I’m all right Oh, right now All right now Oh Lord yeah All right I’m all right Aaaaa-h! (Feelin’) (Feelin’) (Feelin’) etc.
[Burdon:] Hey, I’m feeling Baby, I’m feeling Feelin’ so good, man Feelin’ so good Now there’s no doubt I’m Feeling(Feeling) Fee-eeling(Feeling) Feelin’ so good, baby(Feeling) Feelin’ so good, yeah(Feeling) Now do you feel good Do you feel good Tell me do you feel good Are you, feelin’ so good Are you stone free Are you stone free Are you stone free (Feeling) Just like me (Feeling) Do you feel good (Feeling) Do you fee-eel good Do you feel good Feelin’ good Can you feel it Can you smell i-it Can you touch it Can you get it, babe, wooh! Now I’m feelin’ George I fee-eel it Baby, I feel good I’m feelin’ so good Feelin’ so good (Feeling) Feelin’ so goo-ood, ye-eah (Feeling) Feelin’ so good Feelin’ so good Good God, I said I’m feelin’ wooh! (Feeling) Feeling (Feeling) Feeling (Feeling) Feeling so good, ooh! (Feeling) Feeling (Feeling) Feeling (Feeling) Fee-ee-eeling so good (Feeling) Feeling (Feeling) Feelin’ (Feeling) Feelin’ (Feeling) Feelin’ so good, wooh (Feeling) Feelin’ so good (Feeling) Feelin’ (Feeling) Feelin’ so good (Feeling) Feelin’ so good (Feeling)
feel love Feel, good Feel, feelin’ good Feelin’ Feelin’ Feelin’… so good Feelin’ so good Feelin’ Feelin’ Feelin’ so good Feelin’ so good Feelin’ [etc.]
[Jimi quotes SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE ([John] ‘Jack’ Bruce, Pete Brown & Eric Clapton)
[Tape cut]
11. MESSAGE TO LOVE [only an incomplete snippet at the end] ….
Bonnie Bramlett [falsely aka “Sunshine”] -vocal, Buddy vocal & drums, Jimi – guitar, Bob Arthur – bass, Tom Webb - flute
MS: G-o-o-od, I said, Go-o-o-od BM: Yeah, yeah MS: Sa-am BM: I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know MS: I know you don’t love me like you used to do. I know that Buddy, ‘cause you don’t play your tubs like you used to do heh-heh BM: I know ah, I know-ow, I know MS: O-oh, baby, tell me BM: Sure feels good this afternoon, y’all… and I’d like to say that everybody up he-ere… and everybody out the-ere MS: Is havin’ a Hell of a Goddamn good time BM: Sure i-is, ye-es, yes… We’ve been goin’ a lo-ong ti-ime, and everybody’s feelin’ all ri-i-i-ight, MS: A-all right BM: Just got to stop, we got to stop for one mi-inute, we can’t over do it y’a-a-y’all Aud : [Applause] BM: And I see, I see out there everybody sure in Hell is livin’ togethe-er ye-eah MS: Say yeah, say yeah Aud : Yeah! BM: Everybody’s feelin’ good and a-are lookin’ beautiful MS: An’ Goo-ood, yeah
Bonnie Bramlett [(falsely) aka “Sunshine”] - vocal, Jimi – guitar, Bob Arthur – bass, Buddy drums, backing vocal, Lee Oskar - harmonica, Tom Webb - flute
12. THE TRAIN KEPT A ROLLIN’ (Myron ‘Tiny’ Bradshaw, Howie Kay and Sydney Nathan)
Oh, yeah, lookin’ good Jimi: Yeah Hit your hands, hit your hands and stomp your feet!
Train keep a rollin’ all night long Train keep a rollin’ all night long
You’ve got a hold on me, yes I know
Train kept a rollin’ all night [Jimi starts playing ‘Paper Airplanes’ riff from here] Train kept a rollin’ all night Train kept a rollin’ all night (All night)
You’ve got a hold on me, yes I know Yeah
Lord, you’ve got a face on you Get up and smile at me Lord, gonna fight you boyfriend Lord, he got to deal with me And get ready Praise the Lord
[Solo, instrumental title? CHEROKEE MIST? Guitar ‘says’ ‘Here comes the train riding the track’]
Aud: [Applause]
Where’s the train
Jimi – guitar & vocal, Bob Arthur – bass, Buddy drums, Snooky Flowers & Terry Clements – sax, Tom Webb – flute
Shoot down all those sugar mammies Lord, are they precious, no, no, no Shoot down all those paper airplanes ‘Specially the one’s that fly you so low Lord, I ain’t had a piece, so lo-ong Makin’ love without a needle, let’s just say Hey-a-hey, hey-hey-yeah-hey-hey Hey-yeah, hey-ey-yeah
Lord, I’m goin’ back down south now And fight the cowards way down below All the way down in electric cotton field Way down so low, chile I’m goin’ down, a whole lot o’ friend here now Well, I’m a man as everybody
* aka Power of Soul, Jimi’s big song about breaking free from hard drugs (mainly heroin) earlier titles were ‘Crash Landing’ & ‘Paper Airplanes’ (analogy to paper wraps for powder drugs - flying?) He also noted in his memo “songs to try in studio” at # 9. Power of God --- Love to Devon
Lord, I see hands A whole lot of prayers and faces Reachin’ up, but not qui-ite touchin’ the promised land Hey, I see a whole lot of friendly hearts An’ a whole lot of kind faces say Please Lord, give us a helpin’ hand
Hey, I went down to my home town My old-lady don’t want me around I said “It’s too bad, baby, you don’t want me arou-ound” I’m goin’ on the road and be a Voodoo chile A magic boy, yeah! I’m gonna get off my ass and try to do somethin’ to me I just ain’t gonna sit around and smoke an’-uh, protest Hey-he-ey, blue haze, Hey-hey-hey, hey-hey
I wait around the train station Waiting for that train To take me Take me awa-ay From this lonesome town If my girl don’t want me around Don’t want me around I’ll leave town And come back and be a Voodoo chile Hey-a-hey-hey-yeah
Well, I stand up next to a mountain And chop it down with the edge of my hand Well, I stand up next to a mountain And chop it down with the edge of my hand I pick up all the pieces and make an island Might even raise a little sand* Hey ‘Cause I’m a Voodoo chile, Voodoo chile Lord knows, I’m a Voodoo chile, baby
* ‘Raise sand’ - expression meaning to cause a disturbance, get angry etc.
[Instrumental] …
18. “I GOT TO FIND A WAY” (George ‘Buddy’ Miles)
My baby’s gone away Got to go away Lord, I got to find away, yeah Find away Don’t sleep at all You never heard screams at night, yeah But kee-eep o-on dyin’ down And did that album say You know that I’m goin’ insa-ane, yeah Everybody say yeah Oo-ooh Uh-huh-oo
19. “WHAT’S IT ALL ABOUT” (music: ‘Whole Lot Of Shakin’ Goin’ On’ by Jerry Lee Lewis?, different ad- libbed lyric George ‘Buddy’ Miles)
Yeah I said now I’m waitin’ on my baby Surely gonna fake a song She said now Some one want my baby To surely never make a song, yeah But she’s supplyin’ to the man She don’t know what it’s all abou-out It’s over, it’s over I’m gonna testify
I’m afraid I’m gonna put it about Yeah-yeah-yeah! I’m gonna tell you about my baby I’m gonna tell her what this song is all about When she finds she’s fallen in love She’s gonna see what I’m talkin’ about, now
[Solo/jam, quotes OUTSIDE WOMAN BLUES & SUNSHINE OF YOUR LOVE ([John] ‘Jack’ Bruce, Pete Brown & Eric Clapton)]
20. COME ON (PART 1) (Earl ‘King’ (Johnson)
People talkin’ but they just don’t know What’s in my heart and why I love you so, chile You got me flippin’ like a flag on a pole Come on sugar let the good times ro-o-oll
[Solo/jam, quotes THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER (music: ‘The Anacreontic Song’ by John Stafford Smith)] | |
| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 13:54 | |
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| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 13:58 | |
Dernière édition par Electric Thing le Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 13:59, édité 1 fois | |
| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 14:03 | |
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| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 14 Juil 2010 - 14:03 | |
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| | | Electric Thing
Messages : 2072 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 53 Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 21 Juil 2010 - 16:37 | |
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| | | upfromtheskies
Messages : 1603 Date d'inscription : 06/01/2011 Localisation : strasbourg
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Ven 14 Jan 2011 - 11:55 | |
| Superbe topic! Les photos sont super! Il y a contradiction sur Cornelius Flowers: sax (comme indiqué dans le texte) ou guitare (sur la pochette du disque)? J'avais vu Lee Oskar "en vrai" avec War en 1976 ou 1977 en Allemagne. "The world is a ghetto" par War, c'est quelque chose! Cloturant le programme, Bob Marley! (j'ai pas trop aimé...) | |
| | | Titi
Messages : 3348 Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Sam 29 Jan 2011 - 13:52 | |
| Je copie ici le post de nowhereman54 : - Citation :
- J'ai "Hendrix plays other people's songs" et je ne connais pas l'auteur de "Sometimes I Wonder" ( 1' 23", de la jam du 22/6/69). Nat King Cole?..
D'autre part ce titre, comme "there's a war goin'on"," I feel good" "the train kept a rollin " et "I got to find a way", de la même jam, et cités aussi dans l'article ad hoc du forum , ne sont pas référençés ni dans les citations, ni dans les titres de la liste générale pour cette date. A part "The Train Kept A Rollin" qui est déjà référencé, quelqu'un a des infos sur les autres titres ? | |
| | | Sgt. Pepper
Messages : 184 Date d'inscription : 19/05/2011 Age : 35
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Lun 31 Oct 2011 - 13:51 | |
| C'est exactement le genre de Live dont on regrette qu'il n'est pas été enregistré professionnellement. Jimi avait l'air très en forme et surtout très inspiré. On ressent vraiment l'incroyable talent qui se dégage de lui quand on entend de quel façon il enchaine les notes en total impros !!! | |
| | | Tontonjimi
Messages : 2620 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 51 Localisation : Dunkerque (France)
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Lun 31 Oct 2011 - 18:47 | |
| mais heureusement qu'il fut filmé!!!! | |
| | | Tiger
Messages : 458 Date d'inscription : 15/05/2011 Age : 28 Localisation : Third Stone From the Sun
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mar 1 Nov 2011 - 18:23 | |
| C'est vraiment frustrant ce fondu enchaîné dans la version dre Things (That) I Used to Do | |
| | | Titi
Messages : 3348 Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Jeu 1 Déc 2011 - 19:05 | |
| Quel point de vue avait le gars ou la nana en bas de la scène ! | |
| | | Mitch007
Messages : 454 Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010 Age : 33 Localisation : RUSSIA
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Lun 30 Jan 2012 - 11:28 | |
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| | | Titi
Messages : 3348 Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Lun 30 Jan 2012 - 16:07 | |
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| | | Tontonjimi
Messages : 2620 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 51 Localisation : Dunkerque (France)
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Lun 30 Jan 2012 - 21:12 | |
| Pareille | |
| | | Mitch007
Messages : 454 Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010 Age : 33 Localisation : RUSSIA
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Jeu 22 Nov 2012 - 10:42 | |
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| | | Titi
Messages : 3348 Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Jeu 22 Nov 2012 - 18:31 | |
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| | | Mitch007
Messages : 454 Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010 Age : 33 Localisation : RUSSIA
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 11 Déc 2013 - 17:04 | |
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| | | Tontonjimi
Messages : 2620 Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010 Age : 51 Localisation : Dunkerque (France)
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Mer 11 Déc 2013 - 17:15 | |
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| | | Mitch007
Messages : 454 Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010 Age : 33 Localisation : RUSSIA
| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 Lun 16 Déc 2013 - 10:20 | |
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| | | jimitree
Messages : 195 Date d'inscription : 01/11/2013
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| Sujet: Re: Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 | |
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| | | | Devonshire Downs (Newport '69) : 22 juin 1969 | |
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