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 On The Road (To Electric Ladyland) (ATM 063-064)

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Messages : 3122
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 52

On The Road (To Electric Ladyland) (ATM 063-064) Empty
MessageSujet: On The Road (To Electric Ladyland) (ATM 063-064)   On The Road (To Electric Ladyland) (ATM 063-064) Icon_minitimeSam 10 Juil 2010 - 12:51

On The Road (To Electric Ladyland) (ATM 063-064)

On The Road (To Electric Ladyland) (ATM 063-064) HendrixOnTheRoadFront

(Outtakes 1967-68) Various Low Gen - Some tracks Speed corrected *

Disc 1:

"Driving South" (previously unreleased version; Unverified Hendrix involvement)
"Little One" (1)
"Lullaby For The Summer" (1)
"My Friend" (2)
"May This Be Love" (2)
"Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice" (5)
"Tax Free" (20)
"And The Gods Made Love" (2)
"Crosstown Traffic" (2)
"House Burning Down" (3)
"Look Over Yonder" (3)
"Burning Of The Midnight Lamp" (4) Mixing Session

Disc 2:
"Little Miss Strange" (3)
"South Saturn Delta" (3)
"Three Little Bears" (6)
"Gypsy Eyes" (9)
"1983 ... A Merman I Should Turn To Be" (6)
"Gypsy Eyes" (12)
"Gypsy Eyes" (3, 4, 7) Session
"Voodoo Child (Slight Return)" (1-3, 5-16, 18-21) Session
"Rainy Day Dream Away Practice Session"
"Rainy Day, Dream Away / Still Raining, Still Dreaming" (2)

[* Speed corrections: "My Friend" (2): -4,2% / "Stars That Play With Laughing Sam's Dice" (5): +3,9% / "Tax Free" (3): +5,1% / "Burning Of The Midnight Lamp" (4) Mixing Session: +5,1% / "Little Miss Strange" (3): +3,5% / "Voodoo Child (Slight Return)" (1-3, 5-16, 18-21) Session: +3.4% to match official release]
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On The Road (To Electric Ladyland) (ATM 063-064)
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