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 Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters)

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4 participants

Messages : 1
Date d'inscription : 13/09/2022

Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Empty
MessageSujet: Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters)   Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Icon_minitimeMar 13 Sep 2022 - 0:36

So, i want to finish my Remasters of 15 Songs . listen some:

(The initial Audipohile was already Mp3 and AAC Format, so consider that the renewed Youtube Codec almost breaks the Files)

I had difficulties to make People clear that i already know how to finish them, and have preppared the Final Edits for a Year, and it sounded good.
So, i dont search someone figuring out what to do, of corse you can do that, but.

So: i search a Guy that lends me his Mastering Homestudio, my Stereo died. So i will lock myselve inside the Studio and finish them pretty fast.. I am from Mid Europe , and will travel to any closeby County. All i need is a Studio and Izotrope RX 9 i also need .

If you have passion and are diehard hendrix fans please colaborat. Lend me some Homestudio, thanks

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Messages : 325
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2020
Age : 66

Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters)   Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Icon_minitimeJeu 15 Sep 2022 - 13:57

Est-ce moi ou mon matériel de reproduction (ou bien y a-t-il quelque chose que je n'ai pas compris) ? Le matériel disponible sur ces trois titres me paraît totalement inaudible...
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Messages : 828
Date d'inscription : 30/03/2013
Age : 46
Localisation : Marseille

Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters)   Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Icon_minitimeVen 16 Sep 2022 - 0:28

Pas la meilleure qualité, faut dire que les sources sont pas tip top.
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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 13/12/2022

Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters)   Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Icon_minitimeMar 13 Déc 2022 - 19:01

Im back under my a new Name, forgot Password.

Yeah, i think i made a very convincing sounding Version by Mixing the WAV Sources on the Net that i found IN THE MEANTIME.

Like said i used a Youtubedownloader for getting the files to process them.

And i also said that to show you them easily i had only found Youtbe or Soundcloud..
I told you they sound more f__cked up on youtube. I also havent  polished them at all.

So, can you help me now find all the WAV Sources, because i cant find them. I only found one of 8 Concerts that i remastered.. You seen only a fraction of my remasters on youtbe..

Can you please help me for that?
I now found out how to show you the merge with the lossles Wav Source, and it sounds good.

Please please write me a PM, and i send this new Merge  to you, so you can gain confidence this will be one of the most beautiful Musical Experience..

I need your help, heard me.. Otherwise i will make a like 3 year holiday.. i have no energy to find those WAV sources..

Thank you
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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 13/12/2022

Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters)   Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Icon_minitimeVen 16 Déc 2022 - 23:55

I search thes Shows WAV Files:

- Memorial Colliseum Phoenix Arizona 9/4/68
- Pacific Colliseum 9/7/68
- Maple Leaf Gardens 5/3/69
- San Jose 5/25/69
- Bologna Palasport 26/05/68
- Providence 5/17/69
- Regis College 2/14/69
- Norman Oklahoma 5/8/70
- New York Singer Bowl 8/23/68
- Berlin Deutschlandhalle 4/9/70
- Newport 6/22/69
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Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 13/12/2022

Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters)   Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Icon_minitimeVen 16 Déc 2022 - 23:57

If you want to hear them , it will be beautiful, then help me find those.
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MessageSujet: Re: Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters)   Jimi Hendrix - the 2022 Remasters (Cheops Remasters) Icon_minitime

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