Jimi Hendrix
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Jimi Hendrix

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 Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967

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Messages : 3346
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967   Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Juil 2010 - 19:52

Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967

The Jimi Hendrix Experience est rajouté à l'affiche en remplacement de Chuck Berry (annulé).

Setlist partielle ? :

- Have Mercy

Source : http://home.earthlink.net/~ldouglasbell/dir1/jhe_sets.htm

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Electric Thing

Electric Thing

Messages : 2072
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !

Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967   Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Icon_minitimeMar 13 Juil 2010 - 1:00

Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 310488
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967   Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Icon_minitimeSam 22 Jan 2011 - 7:36

“Fans were stunned into silence. As Jimi Hendrix bellowed ‘Lord Have Mercy’ from his alter on the Pavilion stage at Bath [20 February] last night, and his worshippers gazed in silent adoration from below. I echoed his sentiments as my ribs reverberated with the intolerable volume of electronic sound.
His appearance was almost as awesome as the noise. His long, tousled hair fell about his face and over the collar of his gold spangled jacket, which must have come from a certain boutique in Soho, whose military merchandise recently landed a young man in court.
The power of his delivery stunned the fans into silence and they were able to produce only conventional applause, punctuated by a few exhausted squeaks in place of screams.
Jimi – whose full title is Jimi Hendrix Experience, and he is an experience – exploded on to the pop scene with ‘Hey Joe,’ which is quite a pleasant easy going number, at present rated No. 7 in the charts.
Why he needs to create horrific wailing effects on his guitar, and turn the amplifiers to full strength, I cannot imagine. His voice, when it can be heard, should be adequate to transmit his message. The personality that accompanies it is even more forceful.
He has a new single due for release next month, which is apparently freakish. Perhaps someone should tell him that the ‘freakier than thou’ competition is over and music is on the way back.”

Source : Josephine Bayne, Barh & Wilts Evening Chronicle
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Messages : 3122
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 52

Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967   Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Juin 2024 - 12:55

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Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967   Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967 Icon_minitime

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Bath (The Pavilion) : 20 février 1967
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