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 The Electric Lady Studio Recordings

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Messages : 452
Date d'inscription : 05/09/2010
Age : 33
Localisation : RUSSIA

The Electric Lady Studio Recordings Empty
MessageSujet: The Electric Lady Studio Recordings   The Electric Lady Studio Recordings Icon_minitimeMar 28 Fév 2012 - 16:22

The Electric Lady Studio Recordings 40efe2d985746143ee43c035fda9a35a

The Electric Lady Studio Recordings (WatchTower 2001049 / 2001 / 1CD) [Digital clone of original disc] ftbfs: B746

1970-05-14 - Freedom (1)
1970-05-15 - Lover Man (7)
1970-05-15 - Valleys Of Neptune (23)
1970-05-15 - Freedom (3)
1970-07-23 - Drifting (4,3,4)
1970-06-25 - Freedom (7)
1970-06-24 - Cherokee Mist (8) - In From The Storm (4)
1970-06-24 - Valleys Of Neptune (24)
1970-02-01 - Jam with Mitch (JA17)
1969-12-23 - Honeybed (3)
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The Electric Lady Studio Recordings
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