Jimi Hendrix
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Jimi Hendrix

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 Purple Haze

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2 participants

Messages : 3122
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 52

Purple Haze Empty
MessageSujet: Purple Haze   Purple Haze Icon_minitimeJeu 8 Juil 2010 - 14:18

Purple Haze (Jimi Hendrix)
Face A du deuxième Single du Jimi Hendrix Experience

Brume Violette

De la brume violette envahit mon cerveau,
Depuis, les choses ne semblent plus les mêmes.
J’agis bizarrement, mais je sais pas pourquoi.
’Scusez-moi pendant que j’embrasse le ciel.

De la brume violette, tout autour de moi,
Je sais plus si je monte ou si je descends.
Suis-je heureux ou malheureux ?
Quoiqu’il en soit, cette fille m'a jeté un sort.

Aidez-moi !
Aidez-moi !

De la brume violette envahit mes yeux,
Je sais plus si c’est le jour ou la nuit.
Tu m’exploses, m’exploses l’esprit,
Est-ce demain ou juste la fin des temps ?

Une petite illustration de la VO :

Purple Haze Insidewh5.th

A noter que selon Jimi, la version originale du texte comportait une dizaine de pages.

La traduction ici postée est ma correction de celle proposée à l'origine par greg sur l'ancien forum.
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Messages : 3345
Date d'inscription : 05/06/2010

Purple Haze Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Purple Haze   Purple Haze Icon_minitimeJeu 5 Aoû 2010 - 20:02

Purple Haze 2003981416
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Messages : 3122
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 52

Purple Haze Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Purple Haze   Purple Haze Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Sep 2010 - 12:51

Jimi Hendrix and His Science Fiction Bookshelf
By Jason Boog

Purple Haze Nightoflight

Most people don't remember anymore, but rock legend Jimi Hendrix was a science fiction book junkie. We caught up with one the guitarist's biographers to find out more about his science fiction bookshelf.

In the new book, Becoming Jimi Hendrix: From Southern Crossroads to Psychedelic London, the Untold Story of a Musical Genius, authors Steven Roby and Brad Schreiber take a deeper look at the guitarist.

According to Schreiber, Philip Jose Farmer's Night of Light had a big influence on Hendrix. "Night of Light was a science fiction book that in 1966 inspired Jimi to eventually write 'Purple Haze.' Farmer's story had to do with sunspots having a disorienting effect on a distant planet's population. Jimi wrote pages and pages of lyrics for 'Purple Haze,' originally an epic tale of the history of warfare for the control of the planet Neptune," he explained.

He added: "Producer Kim Fowley told us that when he met Jimi early in 1967 in the UK, Jimi had a trunk of books, all science fiction."

Schreiber continued: "Jimi had been obsessed with science fiction as a boy in Seattle. He always went to see the actor Buster Crabbe in the serial Flash Gordon that played at the local theater. In fact, his nickname during youth was 'Buster.' Once, he literally jumped off the roof of his home, so taken was he with Flash's ability to fly ... One only need to pick up father Al Hendrix's book, My Son Jimi, to see how much the boy Jimi drew and was obsessed by not only images of war and race cars but amazing planetscapes."

He concluded: "Of course, 'Third Stone from the Sun' is a very sci-fi oriented song, also from his first album, 'Are You Experienced.' It deals with extraterrestrials destroying all the inhabitants of earth, save for the chickens, which the ETs think exhibit particular intelligence."

Source : http://www.mediabistro.com/galleycat/celebrities/jimi_hendrix_and_his_science_fiction_bookshelf_172867.asp
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