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 London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966

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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966 Empty
MessageSujet: London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966   London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966 Icon_minitimeDim 23 Jan 2011 - 20:53

London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966

La toute première performance de Jimi à Londres

Jam avec The VIPs London - Scotch Of St. James : mardi 27 septembre 1966

Set-list partiel :

Summertime Blues
Wild Thing
Hey Joe (instrumental)

Jimi Hendrix's first ever appearance in England was jamming with the VIPs in the Scotch of St.James club in London where the VIPs had a residency.

Jimmy Henshaw was involved in, possibly, the most sensational night in British music’s history.
The VIPs were regularly featured at The Scotch of St. James club in London. This venue was a mecca, attended only by the most influential names in the business, including elite recording artists of that time such as the Beatles. The main nights were Tuesday and Thursday.
The VIPs, as THE resident band, were on stage for their first half hour performance. Members of this impressive audience were enjoying the ‘power play’ of Henshaw on lead guitar and keyboards, the incredible Soul/Blues voice of the unequalled Mike Harrison with harmonica, the tight thumping rhythm emanating from the drums of Walter Johnstone, rhythm guitarist Frank Kenyon and bass ace Greg Ridley. Little did the surrounding talent know what was in store !
Once the interval arrived, Henshaw was approached by another good friend, Chas Chandler (of the Animals). Chas grabbed Henshaw’s arm, keeping his voice low. “I’ve got a guy with me who wishes to jam with your band”. Jimmy quickly replied “That’s OK, he can plug into my lead amp”. Henshaw knew how to build amplifiers AND how to produce a bigger output than the manufacturer’s recommendations – however, he was concerned when this strange but polite and friendly guitarist began to wind up the volume and tone controls. “My name is Jimi Hendrix. Could we start with ‘Summertime Blues’ then see how things go?”

Hendrix stepped away from the amplifier in order to stop the whistle/feedback generated, as the VIPs started up in support. Throwing back the hair from his face, then thrusting his right hand Strat strung left-handed guitar towards the crowd, Hendrix’s plectrum hit the strings! Henshaw’s amp almost lifted off its supports as it howled out the announcement that a NEW sensation had arrived on the music scene!

Hendrix asked the VIPs if they knew ‘Wild Thing’, a number in the charts by the Troggs. Henshaw points out – “At that time, we were into R&B/Soul and certainly didn’t play any songs by the Troggs. For some reason, I thought he was going to play ‘a la Troggs’. What a surprise we got when he performed his version!”

As Hendrix finished, Henshaw signalled drummer Walter to bring the first spot
to a tidy end. “For what seemed like an age” reports Henshaw, “the audience sat in stunned silence”. THEN all hell let loose as they gave Jimi and the VIPs a standing ovation. Hendrix did about four numbers, finishing with an amazing fortaste of ‘Hey Joe’ ! Henshaw remembers “Jimi asked if we could play the chords of C,G,D,A,E repeatedly. The melody followed precisely that forthcoming smash hit !”

THE RACE WAS NOW ON ! Chas Chandler rang Henshaw incessantly. “We’ve got a band who are willing to back Mike Harrison. Can Jimi Hendrix link up with the VIPs ?”

Henshaw gave it a few seconds thought. “No way” he replied. The VIPs were a close-knit Carlisle band ON and OFF stage. Honest and true to each other, in for the good times as well as the bad, ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL – it can be said. Jimi Hendrix would have to look elsewhere for his band!

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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966   London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966 Icon_minitimeLun 24 Jan 2011 - 13:55

"We went down to the Scotch Of St. James one night and a group called The VIPs were playing there. They had Mike Harrison and Greg Ridley * and they were from Carlisle. I knew them because they used to play in Newcastle".

* (later of Spooky Tooth and Humble Pie)

Chas Chandler - Jimi Hendrix Concert Files (Tony Brown)
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966   London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966 Icon_minitimeMer 2 Jan 2013 - 23:39

Jimi Hendrix and the V.I.Ps in Scotch of St James Club London 1966
par Walter Johnstone (le batteur des V.I.P.s)

Walter also told another Retro Brit story about Jimi Hendrix. The V.I.Ps (Walter’s band) was managed by a man called Michael Jeffery and this man also managed The Animals – a famous British band from Newcastle. They (The Animals) had come back from a USA tour and were in the Scotch St James club in London, where the V.I.Ps were playing. It was about year 1966. Michael Jeffery (Manager of The Animals and the V.I.Ps) had discovered someone special in the Village (A place in New York) He was called Jimi Hendrix. The Animals Bass player; Chas Chandler also had dealings with Jimi Hendrix. From what Walter said; it seemed to be a joint interest between Mike Jeffery and Chas Chandler.
Chas Chandler asked the V.I.Ps if they would let Jimi Hendrix play alongside them in the Scotch of Saint James club. The audience consisted of other British bands who liked to look at up and coming talent. Band members of The Small Faces, Kinks and other well-known groups would be in the audience. Walter said that he and the rest of the band said ‘ok.’
For the first song, which Walter can’t remember what the title was; Jimi Hendrix just played along rhythm. Then when they finished Jimi Hendrix asked them; “Hey can you play ‘Wild Thing’ by the Troggs.”
Walter said the rest of the band and himself replied yes, but thought it odd, for they regarded the Troggs as a pop band. People who played in the Scotch Saint James club regarded themselves as proper musicians. Walter laughed as he told me this, realising that perhaps, the V.I.Ps was a little too pretentious, even during the swinging sixties. After all; the Troggs made and sold records that got into the charts.
Well as the V.I.Ps began to play; Jimi Hendrix went on one of his whirlwind guitar solo acts and blew the V.I.Ps and the audience away. Walter said as he played the drums; he called see the mind blowing effect Hendrix had on the audience. No one in the UK had heard or seen him until this moment, but Jimi from the village, across the pond, launched himself with great aplomb upon the unsuspecting Brit audience.
Walter laughed, “When Hendrix played, they (The V.I.Ps) almost shit themselves.” Evidently, Jimi made a big impression.


Mike Jeffrey était le manager des V.I.P.s (ce que je savais pas).

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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966   London (Scotch Of St. James) : 27 septembre 1966 Icon_minitimeSam 24 Oct 2020 - 11:13

Dans son livre "50 Years On", Rod Harrod (qui était le gérant du Scotch à l'époque), insiste que la performance avec The V.I.P.s était le lundi 26 septembre. Le setlist était selon lui :

1 - Summertime Blues
2 - Wild Thing
3 - What'd I Say
4 - Hey Joe

Donc, on change la date ici ?
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