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 Studio 69

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Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
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MessageSujet: Studio 69    Studio 69  Icon_minitimeSam 6 Nov 2010 - 10:27

Studio 69 (Revision A & Upgrade 2005)
(Is This Legal? & Willjamz Productions ITL?-WJ 101-115 / 18.09.2004 / 15CDR)

Avec ses 189 titres répartis sur 15 CD, Studio 69 propose un journal aussi complet que possible des sessions de studio de Jimi en 1969, compilé à partir des meilleures sources disponibles. Certains titres ont été édités et/ou restaurés grâce à la magie de l'informatique.

Disc 1

February 11, 1969 – Record Plant, New York, New York – In addition to working on the latest Buddy Miles Express release, Jimi, Buddy Miles, Organist Duane Hitchings, and Guitarist Jim McCarty focus on new material by Hendrix.

01. World Traveler (S771)
Sound quality: Excellent. Time: 8:10
Source: Message From 9 To The Universe 2

02. It’s Too Bad (S772) (1)
More Complete, some vocals removed
Sound quality: Excellent. Time: 11:08
Source: Message From 9 To The Universe 2

03. It’s Too Bad (S772) (2)
Incomplete wide stereo mix with heavy delay.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:42
Source: February 1969 Sessions

04. It’s Too Bad (S772) (3)
Alternate mix with incomplete end.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 8:51
Source: February 1969 Sessions

05. Untitled Instrumental Jam A.K.A. Hitchings Jam (S1125)
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 13:40
Source: February 1969 Sessions

February 14, 1969 – Olympic Studios, London, England

06. Midnight Lightning (S765)
Instrumental solo run through by Jimi on electric guitar.
Sound quality: Very Good. Time: 4:20
Source: Villanova Junction

February 16, 1969 – Olympic Studios, London, England

07. Cryin’ Blue Rain (S928)
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 2:36
Source: February 1969 Sessions

08. Lover Man (S929)
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 4:31
Source: February 1969 Sessions

09. Room Full Of Mirrors (S931)
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 2:25
Source: February 1969 Sessions

10. Shame, Shame, Shame (S934)
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 1:50
Source: February 1969 Sessions

11. Sunshine Of Your Love (S933)
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:34
Source: February 1969 Sessions

Disc 2

February 17, 1969 – Olympic Studios, London, England. Rehearsals for the upcoming Royal Albert Hall concerts on the 18th and 24th.

01. Spanish Castle Magic (S1547)
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:48
Source: February 1969 Sessions

02. Hear My Train A Comin’ (S1548)
Sound Quality: Excellent. 6:56
Source: February 1969 Sessions

February 26, 1969 – Olympic Studios, London, England.

03. Noel’s Tune (Take 1) (S?)
Features Jimi on guitar for a track from a Noel Redding solo session.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:19
Source: February 1969 Sessions

March 16, 1969 – Mercury Studios, New York, New York. Jimi joins The Buddy Miles Express during their recording session of Blue Window Jam. Take 1 is not included as it is unsure he participated in this take even though he is clearly heard talking from the control booth.

04. Blue Window Jam (Take 2) (S1036) (2)
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 19:33
Source: Blue Window

05. Blue Window Jam (Take 2) (S1036) (3)
Incomplete edited official version.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 12:51.
Source: Martin Scorsese Presents The Blues

March 18, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York

06. The Star Spangled Banner (S115)
The official mix.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 4:05
Source: Rainbow Bridge

07. The Star Spangled Banner (S1058)
Slightly different mix of the official mix with no fade out.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:13
Source: Electric Church

08. The Star Spangled Banner (S115) (2)
The official mix slowed to half speed giving an excellent view of overdubded effects. Currently circulating on tape only. Track mimmicked with Audacity 1.2.1 using automatic pitch and tempo control.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 8:08
Source: Rainbow Bridge

09. The Star Spangled Banner (S115) (2)
The official mix slowed to half speed but reversed to show more backward effects. Trader’s track and is not a true known recording. Track mimmicked with Audacity 1.2.1 using automatic pitch and tempo control. Reversed by WJ.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 8:08
Source: Rainbow Bridge

10.Gypsy Boy (Take 8) (S985)
Early version of Hey Baby that is the unaltered take 8.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 3:51
Source: Notes In Colours

Disc 3

March 18, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York. Continued

01. Gypsy Boy (S165)
This is the Alan Douglas composite that removes the original bass and studio session players are added in. Circa: 1974 / 75.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:44
Source: Midnight Lightning

March 19, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York – Records with Lonnie Youngblood

02. Georgia Blues A.K.A Mother, Mother (S1590)
Time: 7:58. This mix has sax and some vocals removed.
Sound Quality: Excellent.
Source: Raw Blues

03. Georgia Blues A.K.A Mother, Mother (S1592)  
This mix includes sax and more vocals.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 7:57.
Source: Martin Scorsese Presents The Blues

March 25, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York – John McLaughlin, Jim McCarty, Buddy Miles, and Dave Holland join Jimi for a session of informal jamming at the Record Plant.

04. McLaughlin Jam (S1006)
The complete take of this jam.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 29:56
Source: Message From 9 To The Universe 1

05. Jimi/Jimmy Jam (S789)
The more complete edit.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 16:17
Source: Message From 9 To The Universe 1

06. Jimi/Jimmy Jam (S172)
This is the edited offical mix.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 7:42
Source: Nine To The Universe

Disc 4

April 1, 1969 – Olmstead Studios, New York, New York – The Jimi Hendrix Experience together with Eddie Kramer begin a series of recording sessions to try and recapture their momentum.

01. Midnight (S132) (3)
The most complete and longest version.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 8:19
Source: The Capricorn Tapes

02. Midnight (S132) (1)
The first official altered edit.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:32
Source: War Heroes

03. Midnight (S132) (2)
The second longer official altered edit
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 6:02
Source: Voodoo Soup

04. Bleeding Heart (S?) (14,15,16)
3 short instrumental takes that favor the War Heroes version with Devon Wilson on tamborine
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 3:12
Source: Unsurpassed Masters

April 2, 1969 – Olmstead Studios, New York, New York

05. Hear My Train A Comin’ (S164)
The heavily altered official composite edit of that dates takes in which Alan Douglas removes Noel and Mitch and replaces them with session players.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:45
Source: Midnight Lightning

April 4, 1969 – Olmstead Studios, New York, New York

06. Trash Man (S162)
The heavily altered official composite edit of that dates takes in which Alan Douglas removes Noel and Mitch and replaces them with session players.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:16
Source: Midnight Lightning

07. Untitled Instrumental Jam A.K.A. Rock And Roll Jam (S726)
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 1:21
Source: Moon And Rainbows

April 7, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York.

08. Ezy Rider Jam (S973)
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 5:15
Source: 1968 A.D.

09. Stone Free Again (S725) (5)
The unaltered original mix
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 3:42
Source: Crash Landing Revisited

10. Stone Free Again (S?) (29)
The slightly longer alternate mono mix. Also contains more vocal chat.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 3:47
Source: Unsurpassed Masters

11. Stone Free Again (S160)
The heavily altered official edit. Again Alan Douglas strips out the Experience and adds session players.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time 3:29
Source: Crash Landing

April 14, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York.

12. Ships Passing In The Night (S898)
Considered to be an early version of Night Bird Flying
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 3:27
Source: Villanova Junction

April 17, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York.

13. Keep On Groovin’ (S1023)
The complete take.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 12 :09
Source: Blue Window

14. Keep On Groovin’ (S?) (26)
First alternate mix with echo.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 0:38
Source: Blue Window

15. Keep On Groovin’ (S?) (24) -
Second alternate mix with echo.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:12
Source: Blue Window

16. Keep On Groovin’ (S?) (27)
Third alternate mix with echo.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 7:53
Source: Blue Window

Disc 5

April 22, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York. – The Mannish Boy Session

01 – 14. Mannish Boy (Part 1) (1-15)
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 27:26
15 – 31. Mannish Boy (Part 2) (16-34)
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 30:25
32 – 38. Mannish Boy (Part 3) (35-42)
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 15:37.
All above tracks are marked (S1339). Multiple takes of this session with multiple false starts included.
Source: Unsurpassed Masters

Disc 6

April 22, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York. Continued.

01 – 06. Mannish Boy (Part 4) (43-44, 48-52 )
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 18:07.
All above tracks are marked (S1339). Multiple takes of this session with multiple false starts included.
Source: ???

07. Mannish Boy (S1048)
The official composite. This is a cut-and-paste track. The first 0:30 alone contains 4 different portions from this session!
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:21
Source: Blues

08. Mannish Boy (S?) (53)
The more complete composite. 0:05 intro missing, but restores two edits in official version: 0:09 at 2:50, and 0:26 at 5:02.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:51
Source: Raw Blues

April 24, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York.

09. Crash Landing (S1241)
Alternate instrumental mix with guitar and bass only
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:28
Source: Crash Landing Reels

10. Crash Landing (S717)
With 2nd vocal track only. Guitars and bass only with no drums or organ.
Sound Quality: Good Time: 4:49
Source: Moon And Rainbows

11. Crash Landing (S986)
With 1st vocal track only.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:21
Source: Electric Hendrix 1

12. Crash Landing (S820)
This mix has 2 overlaid vocal tracks
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:34
Source: From Trader’s Tape

13. Crash Landing (S?) (7)
Alternate less-altered mono mix with more chat.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:34
Source: Unsurpassed Masters

14. Crash landing (S156)
The official altered mix. Another track Alan Douglas mixed with session players.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 4:20
Source: Crash Landing

15. Drone Blues (S781)
This is the complete edit.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 8:35
Source: Message From 9 To The Universe 1

16. Drone Blues (S175)
This is the official mix
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 5:59
Source: Nine To The Universe

17. Ships Passing In The Night (S981)
Another Early version of Nightbird flying. This is Jimi solo on electric guitar.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 3:30
Source: Multicoloured Blues

Disc 7

May 7, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York. Johnny Winter, playing slide guitar, joins Jimi for a day of jamming

01. Johnny Winter Jam #1 In E (JS 20)
A fairly uncirculated track instrumental track. After some tape recorder starts ans stops, this track continues into Track 02.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:07
Source: From Trader’s Tape

02. Earth Blues Jam (S883)
The most complete version of this jam. Appears to continue into Track 03.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 12: 29
Source: The Kees Tape

03. The Things I Used To Do (S1002) (1)
Time: 1:19. First instrumental take.
Sound Quality: Very Good.
Source: The Kees Tape

04. The Things I Used To Do (S1002) (2)
Time: 4:57. This is mainly an instrumental but Jimi throws in a few lyrics from Ships Passing In The Night.
Sound Quality: Very Good.
Source: The Kees Tape

05. The Things I Used To Do (S761)
The complete false start leading into (S1002) (3)
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 0:37
Source: The Kees Tape

06. The Things I Used To Do (S1002) (3)
Time: 6:56 The complete raw take with no added effects.
Sound Quality: Very Good.
Source: The Kees Tape

07. The Things I Used To Do (S1002) (3)
The complete raw take. Includes 6 seconds of false start (S761) at the beginning of the track. This track apparently has reverb and echo added.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 6:54
Source: The Things I Used To Do

08. The Things I Used To Do (S242)
This is a longer version of the official mix as found on Lifelines
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:47
Source: Raw Blues

09. Johnny Winter Jam (S?) (1)
Newly surfaced track from the TTIUTD sessions. Incomplete.
Sound Quality: Very Good Time: 1:49
Source: From Trader’s Tape

May 14, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York.

10. Fuzzy Guitar Jam (S1359) (1)
Improvisional jam with Larry Young.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time 20.05
Source: Message From 9 To The Universe 2

11. Jam H290 (S936)
Incomplete with fade out at end of track
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 1:31
Source: The Kees Tapes

12. Jam 292 A.K.A. Jelly 292 (S149)
The original official edit that fades in at the start and fades out at the end.
This is only about half of the full jam.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:45
Source: Loose Ends

13. Jelly 292 (S1057) (1)
The second and longer official edit.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time:6:25
Source: Blues

Disc 8

May 14, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York. Continued.

01. Jelly 292 (S1057) (2)
Longer version of the second official edit. First 1.5 seconds of start not on this version but continues to the end.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time:6:40
Source: Raw Blues

02. Jam With Horns And Piano (S754) (1)
More complete mono mix.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:36
Source: The Kees Tapes

03. Jam With Horns And Piano (S754) (2)
Slightly shorter stereo mix.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:23
Source: The Kees Tapes

04. Jam With Horns And Piano (S754) (3)
This version has guitar mixed high with piano and trumpet mixed low.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:22
Source: The Kees Tapes

05. Young/Hendrix (S174) (2)
The slightly incomplete raw take.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 14:28
Source: Message From 9 To The Universe 1

06. Young/Hendrix (S174) (1)
The shorter official edit
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 10:06
Source: Nine To The Universe

May 21, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York.

07. Bleeding Heart (S1050) (20)
A slightly different mix with a bit of guitar riffing at the end.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time 3:31
Source: Raw Blues

08. Bleeding Heart (S1050) (1)
The official edit
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time 3:25
Source: Blues

09. Hear My Train A Comin’ (S1366) (52)
Believed to be part of a mixing session with takes from Olmstead Studios on April 2nd. Edited from two sources.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 8:14
Source: The Capricorn Tapes

May 22, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York.

10. Nine To The Universe (S790) (1)
The complete raw take.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 19:06
Source: Electric Church

Disc 9

May 22, 1969 - Record Plant, New York, New York. Continued.

01. Nine To The Universe (S171) (2)
The official edit.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 8:48
Source: The KPFA Tapes

August 28, 1969 – The Hit Factory, New York, New York. – Jimi returned to the recording studio for the first time in nearly three months. Accompanied by his expanded ensemble Gypsy Suns & Rainbows, and engineer Eddie Kramer, Jimi had readied a slate of promising new material and looked to make progress on his next studio album.

02. Easy Blues (S848) (1)
The complete version.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 10:00
Source: Message From 9 To The Universe 1

03. Easy Blues (S848) (3)
A shorter edit of the complete version and a slightly different mix.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 7:41
Source: The Completer

04. Easy Blues (S174) (2)
The official edit but slightly longer than found on Nine To The Universe.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 4:35
Source: Raw Blues

05. Izabella/Machine Gun Session - I (S788) (1-6) / MG (S974) (1)
The unaltered session containing 6 takes of Izabella with two false starts and 1 take of Machine gun complete.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 30:40.
Source: The Things I Used To Do & Machine Gun. Spliced at 8:23

06. Message To Love (S1355) (3)
Vocals more upfront on this runthrough.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 2:33
Source: Woodstock Sessions IV

August 29, 1969 – The Hit Factory, New York, New York. – A mixing session with Eddie Kramer on material recorded on the 28th.

07. Machine Gun (S1509) (2)
An alternate take of S974 (1).
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 12:38
Source: Machine Gun

Disc 10

August 29, 1969 – The Hit Factory, New York, New York. – A mixing session with Eddie Kramer on material recorded on the 28th. Continued.

01. Machine Gun (S719) (3)
Composite with 2 vocal tracks, more second guitar and in narrow stereo.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 8:11
Source: Moon And Rainbows

02. Machine Gun (S?) (38)
Composite with 2 vocal tracks, more second guitar and in wider stereo.
Sound Quality: Good. Time:11:02
Source: Machine Gun.

03. Machine Gun (S167) (4)
The official composite. Another track Alan Douglas mixes with session players.
Sound Quality. Excellent. Time: 7:35
Source: Midnight Lightning

04. Izabella (S1374) (25)
Original working master, reel 4, take 2 in mono.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 3: 49
Source: Black Gold

September 4, 1969 – The Hit Factory, New York, New York.

05. Jungle Jam (S1115) (?)
The complete jam follwed by about a minute of Jam Back At The House.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 6:16
Source: The Completer

September 6, 1969 – The Hit Factory, New York, New York.

06. Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S723) (4)  
This is the short edit but incomplete.
Sound Quality – Very Good. Time: 4:17
Source: Moons And Rainbows.

07. Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S968) (1)
Long edit number 1
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 10:41
Source: Soul Sessions

08. Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S968) (2)
Long edit number 2 instrumental
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 9:49
Source: The Completer

09. Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S968) (3)
Long edit number 3 instrumental
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 9:06
Source : Electric Hendrix 1

10. Lover Man (S753) (4)
Immediately follows LISTBFMAY (S968) (3). Instrumental with false start.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:33
Source : Electric Hendrix 1

Disc 11

September 6, 1969 – The Hit Factory, New York, New York. Continued.

01. Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S968) (5)
Long edit number 4 instrumental.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 9:45
Source: Mixdown Master Tapes Volume 3

02. Lover Man (S1025) (45)
Incomplete stereo mix with Jimi chatting the introduction. Fades at end.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:12
Source: The KPFA Tapes

03. Untitled Instrumental Jam (S988) (?)
An instrumental jam that is slightly incomplete due to late tape start at the beginning of the track
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 9:24
Source: The KPFA Tapes

04. Valleys Of Neptune (S770) (22)
Instrumental. Incomplete start with about 0:11 of messing around at the end.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:56
Source: The KPFA Tapes

05. Valleys Of Neptune (S897) (17)
Complete with vocals but no bass with chat at end.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 5:52
Source: Mixdown Master Tapes Volume 2

06. Valleys Of Neptune (S897) (19)
Complete, nearly mono mix again with no bass. More chat at end.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 5:52
Source: 51st Anniversay – The Story Of Life Disc 2

07. Valleys Of Neptune (S897) (18)
Complete without bass with backing track mixed low.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 5:46
Source: From Trader’s Tape

08. Valleys Of Neptune (S257) (20)
The incomplete official edit with bass. Incomplete start.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 2:49
Source: Electric Hendrix 1

September 15, 1969 – The Hit Factory, New York, New York.

09. I’m A Man (S971) (1)
A very early version of Stepping Stone followed by about 20 seconds of additional messing around by Jimi.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 16:03
Source: Soulful Sessions

September 24, 1969 – The Record Plant, New York, New York. Jimi has now returned to the Record Plant. By this time, Gypsy Suns & Rainbows is a dead issue as a band. Joining Jimi is Buddy Miles for a session of jamming. With Jimi asking Billy Cox to stay on from the demise of G,S, & R, the Band Of Gypsys is now born.

10. Power Of Soul (S1421) (48,49)
Part 1 of a 16 minute instrumental session with Jimi and Buddy only.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:38
Source: Soulful Sessions

11. Power Of Soul (S1421) (2)
Part 2 of a 16 minute instrumental session with Jimi and Buddy only.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 3:49
Source: Soulful Sessions

12. Power Of Soul (S1421) (3,4)
Part 3 of a 16 minute instrumental session with Jimi and Buddy only.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 1:58
Source: Soulful Sessions

Disc 12

September 24, 1969 – The Record Plant, New York, New York. Continued.

01. Untitled Instrumental Jam (S?) (?)
Part 4 of a 16 minute instrumental session with Jimi and Buddy only. This section of the jam finds Jimi moving away from Power Of Soul for a few moments and basical just messing around.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:06
Source: Soulful Sessions

02. Power Of Soul (S1421) (5)
Part 5 of a 16 minute instrumental session with Jimi and Buddy only. Jimi takes one more shot at Power Of Soul before moving on to Message To Love.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 1:31
Source: Soulful Sessions

03. Message To Love (S?) (54-56)
Part 6 of a 16 minute instrumental session with Jimi and Buddy only.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 5:02
Source: Soulful Sessions

September 25, 1969 – The Record Plant, New York, New York. Jimi And Buddy continue with another day of jamming by themselves. Billy Cox is not in these sessions.

04. Room Full Of Mirrors (S1527) (25) – Stepping Stone (S975) (2)
This session also contains a 30 second portion of Message To Love (S1527) (52) at the conclusion of RFOM and about 10 seconds of Machine Gun (S1527) (36) which is actually the beginning of SS. This is the first time that this session is known to be presented in it’s full length.
Sound Quality: Excellent (RFOM) and Very Good (SS). Time: 13:02
Source: Morning Symphony Ideas and Alan Douglas Reels (Trader’s Tape)

05. Stepping Stone (S?) (16)
Incomplete start.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 1:09
Source: Drinking Wine, Sipping Time

November 14, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York. Jimi And Buddy continue with another day of jamming by themselves. Again, Billy Cox is not in these sessions.

06. Jungle (S1233) (JS24)
A loose jam containing progressions from I’m A Man (Trying To Be) (S975). Appears to be narrow stereo.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 6:22
Source: Crash Landing Reels.

07. Untitled Guitar Improve (S764) (JS21)
This is actually an edited version, with drum tracks wiped, taken from the stereo. Untitled Instrumental Jam (S1239) found later on this set. It is composed of three separate pieces edited together.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 5:13
Source: Villanova Junction

08. Untitled Instrumental Jam (S1341) (JS23) (1)
This jam contains riffs from Calling All Devil’s Children, Stepping Stone, Ezy Rider, and Villanova Junction.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 6:48.
Source: Lonely Avenue

09. Untitled Instrumental Jam A.K.A. Keep On Grooving (S1239) (JS21) (4)
This is a very long jam with Buddy containing riffs from numerous songs including Angel, Power Of Soul, Bolero,
Burning Desire, Gypsy Boy, Cherokee Mist and Stepping Stone. This is the mono edit.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time 27:33.
Source: Trader’s tape found on untitled CD-R.

Disc 13

November 14, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York. Continued.

01. Untitled Instrumental Jam A.K.A. Jungle (S1239) (JS22) (3)
This jam contains riffs from Villanova Junction, Ezy Rifer, and South Saturn Delta. This is the mono edit.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 8:51.
Source: Trader’s tape found on untitled CD-R.

02. Untitled Instrumental Jam A.K.A. Keep On Grooving (S1239) (JS21) (1)
This is a very long jam with Buddy containing riffs from numerous songs including Angel, Power Of Soul, Bolero,
Burning Desire, Gypsy Boy, Cherokee Mist and Stepping Stone. This is the first stero edit. An alternate stereo mix can be found on Morning Symphony Ideas.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time 27:36.
Source: Fall 1969 Record Plant Jams.

03. Untitled Instrumental Jam A.K.A. Jungle (S1239) (JS22) (1)  
This jam contains riffs from Villanova Junction, Ezy Rifer, and South Saturn Delta. This is the first stereo edit. An alternate stereo mix can be found on Morning Symphony Ideas.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 8:51.
Source: Fall 1969 Record Plant Jams.

November 17, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York. Apparently this is a mixing session with Eddie Kramer with tracks recorded in the previous days.

04. Room Full Of Mirrors (S114) (2)
The first official edit.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:16
Source: Rainbow Bridge

05. Room Full Of Mirrors (S254) (3)
First alternate official mix with different guitar.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 2:57
Source: Villanova Junction

06. Room Full Of Mirrors (S947) (4)
An alternate mix apparently in mono with different guitar and percussion.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 3:12
Source: Voodoo Soup

07. Room Full Of Mirrors (S114) (5)
This is the third official mix in which Buddy’s drum track is wiped and replaced with an overdub by Bruce Gary in 1995.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:12

November 21, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York. Power Of Soul Sessions.

08. Power Of Soul (S1342) (6-17)
Part 1 of a 36 minute session of Power Of Soul in which Jimi refers to the working title as “Paper Aeroplanes or Crash Landing”. This section includes Takes 1 through 12
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 14:23
Source: Unsurpassed Masters

Disc 14

November 21, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York. Continued.

01. Power Of Soul (S1342) (18 -29)
Part 2 of a 36 minute session of Power Of Soul in which Jimi refers to the working title as “Paper Aeroplanes or Crash Landing”. This section includes Takes 13 through 23. Incomplete as Take 23 ends abruptly on all sources.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 20:34
Source: Unsurpassed Masters

02. Power Of Soul (S159) (37)
Official altered edit by Alan Douglas. Jimi, Billy and Buddy intact but a percussion overdub by Jimmy Maeulen is added.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:34
Source: Crash Landing.

December 15, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York.

03. Born Under A Bad Sign (S1046) (2)
The more complete instrumental take. This version omits the 0:11 bass solo at the start, but restores 0:38 edit at 4:59, and continues 0:13 longer to the end.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 8:20
Source: Raw Blues

04. Born Under A Bad Sign (S1046) (1)
This is the official edit with bass solo start. Edited at the 5:10 mark with incomplete end due to fade out.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 7:38
Source: Blues

December 18, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York.

05. Ezy Rider (S946) (7)
This is an outake of the official mix.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:12
Source: Villanova Junction.

06. Ezy Rider (S944) (10)
A diferent mix with different vocals.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 3:37
Source: Villanova Junction.

07. Ezy Rider (S?) (34)
This edit has a different mix with low vocals.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 2:55
Source: More Calling All Devil’s Children.

08. Ezy Rider (S084) (8)
This is the first official edit.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 4:06
Source: The Cry Of Love

09. Ezy Rider (S084) (9)
The second official edit which does not have the fade back in at the end.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:03
Source: Voodoo Soup

December 19, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York.

10. Earth Blues (S112) (4)
The official mix. Though not mixed as a final studio edit until January 20, 1970, the basic track was recorded on this date. Not on Studio ’70.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 4:14
Source: Rainbow Bridge

December 23, 1969 - The Record Plant, New York, New York.

11. Honeybed Takes 1-4 (S1351) (1-4) – Night Bird Flying (S?) (8)
Jimi tries vocals on the first two takes but this reverts to an instrumental. After Take 4 falls apart, Jimi attempts a take at Night Bird Flying which ends abruptly due to equipment failure.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 8:59
Source: Unsurpassed Masters

Disc 15

The Questionable Tracks. There seems to be no majority consensus of the actual recording dates for the following tracks. They range as being recorded as early as 1968 but all have a possible recording date of 1969.

01. Ezy Rider (S776) (Dance 2)
This instrumental early take was recorded at either The Record Plant or Olmstead Studios possibly in April, 1969.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 3:52
Source: Electric Hendrix 1

02. Ezy Rider (S993) (Dance 3)
This early instrumental take was recorded at either The Record Plant or Olmstead Studios possibly in April, 1969. This edit has congas mixed in.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 3:57
Source: Blues Outtakes

03. Untitled Instrumental A.K.A. Last Thursday Morning (S994) (JS4)
This early instrumental take was recorded at either The Record Plant or Olmstead Studios possibly in April, 1969.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 3:06
Source: Multi Coloured Blues

04. Bleeding Heart Jam (S1102) (JS1)
This early instrumental take was recorded at either The Record Plant or Olmstead Studios possibly in April, 1969.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:39
Source: TTG For You And Me

Filler – The Guest Appearances. With the break up of the Experience, Jimi found himself spending numerous hours jamming with other artists of the period. Though not all tracks appear on this set, here is a look at some of his “guest” work.

05. Rock ‘N’ Roll Band (S459) –
From Eire Apparent’s self titled debut album in which Jimi himself produced. Jimi provided lead guitar for this song along with several other tracks on the LP. Recorded at Polydor Studios in England between January 1 - 7, 1969.
Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 3:21
Source: 51st Anniversary.

06. Live And Let Live (S468)
From Timothy Leary’s You Can Be Anyone This Time Around. Jimi only plays bass on this track with Stephen Stills on guitar. Recorded at the Record Plant on May 19th or 20th, 1969.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 14:09
Source: Just Wrap Me In Cellophane And Sell Me!

07. Woodstock Takes 1-3 (S?) (1-3)
Recorded with Stephen Stills at the Record Plant on September 30, 1969. Jimi is supposedly playing bass on these three takes but there is some doubt.
Sound Quality: Good. Time: 11:30
Source: Fall 1969 Record Plant Jams.

08. Doriella Du Fontaine (S469) (1)
One of Jimi’s most interesting side projects with one of the Grandfathers of Rap, Jalaluddin Mansur Nuriddin A.K.A. Lightnin’ Rod. Jimi handles both guitar and bass parts while Buddy Miles provides drums and organ.
Recorded at the Record Plant sometime in November, 1969.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 8:43
Source: Doriella Du Fontaine

09. Doriella Du Fontaine (S470) (3)
This is the instrumental mix containing just Jimi and Buddy. Recorded at the Record Plant sometime in November, 1969.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 4:06
Source: Doriella Du Fontaine

Bonus Tracks - Tracks 10-12 are Composites that create the longest versions possible from the sources available as of September 2004.

10. Mannish Boy - Composite 2004
This composite incorporates the 5 second intro from Track 7 into Track 8 from Disc 6. First Time presented in this form.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 5:58

11. Jelly 292 - Composite 2004
This composite incorporates the first 1.5 seconds of the start from Track 11 into track 12 from Disc 7. First time presented in this form.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 6:39

12. Born Under A Bad Sign - Composite 2004
This composite incorporates the 11 second bass intro from Track 4 back into Track 3 on Disc 14. First time presented in this form.
Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 8:31

Dernière édition par Ayler le Ven 9 Oct 2020 - 20:30, édité 1 fois
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Electric Thing

Electric Thing

Messages : 2072
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !

Studio 69  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Studio 69    Studio 69  Icon_minitimeLun 8 Nov 2010 - 20:50

J'ai mis la pochette et j'ai surtout rajouté les sources de tous les titres présents sur ce coffret.

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Electric Thing

Electric Thing

Messages : 2072
Date d'inscription : 04/06/2010
Age : 53
Localisation : Légèrement à gauche de Saturne !

Studio 69  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Studio 69    Studio 69  Icon_minitimeJeu 11 Nov 2010 - 12:30

A noter que l'on trouve ce coffret avec souvent quelques cds en plus :

- AstroMan's Mannish Boy Session Edit - 2005

Studio 69  Mannishboy2cdcover

Studio 69  Mannishboy2cdtray

Dont voici les détails :

Jimi Hendrix - The Mannish Boy Sessions 4-22-1969
WJ Edit 2004 and 2005

With these files you can make a complete set of the session
With takes 1-25 on disk one at 40:50
and takes 26-44 along with the 2004 composite on disk two at 51:32

Most clicks removed, 2/3 of the count ins removed
talking and humming amplified.

Sourced From the Studio '69 Collectors Set
which contains these sessions in their unaltered form.

notes: 3-19-2005
My take numbers are not actual take numbers
but rather the number of take included on this set
not to be confused with collectors data.

Tracks 32-44
were re-edited due to the originally sourced files having
been found to be flawed with tiny micro gaps. New source
files where found for replacements to the "Studio 69" set
and those replacements have been edited to fix the
"Mannish Boy Session Edit" bonus disk included with the
Originally Seeded "Studio 69" Data sets.

- Singing The Blues In New York City

Studio 69  Singingcover

Dont voici les détails :

Jimi Hendrix - Singing The Blues IN New York City
September 6, 1969 - The Hit Factory, New York, New York.

01 Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S968) (1) - Time: 10:41
Sound Quality: Very Good. - Long edit number 1
Source: Soul Sessions
02 Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S968) (2) - Time: 9:49
Sound Quality: Good - Long edit number 2 instrumental
Source: The Completer
03 Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S968) (3) - Time: 9:06
Sound Quality: Good - Long edit number 3 instrumental
Source : Electric Hendrix 1
04 Lover Man (S753) (4) - Sound Quality: Good. Time: 4:33
Immediately follows LISTBFMAY (S968) (3). Instrumental with false start.
Source: Electric Hendrix 1
05 Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S968) (5) - Time: 9:45
Sound Quality: Very Good. Long edit number 4 instrumental.
Source: Mixdown Master Tapes Volume 3
06 Untitled Instrumental Jam (S988) (?) - Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 9:24
Instrumental jam with second guitarist.
Source: The KPFA Tapes
07 Valleys Of Neptune (S770) (22) - Sound Quality: Excellent. Time: 3:56
Instrumental. Incomplete start with about 0:11 of messing around at the end.
Source: The KPFA Tapes
08 Valleys Of Neptune (S897) (17) - Sound Quality: Good. Time: 5:52
Complete with vocals but no bass with chat at end.
Source: Mixdown Master Tapes Volume 2
09 Valleys Of Neptune (S897) (19) - Sound Quality: Good. Time: 5:52
Complete, nearly mono mix again with no bass. More chat at end.
Source: 51st Anniversay - The Story Of Life Disc 2
10 Valleys Of Neptune (S897) (18) - Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 5:46
Complete without Bass with backing track mixed low.
Source: From Trader's Tape
11 Valleys Of Neptune (S257) (20) - Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 2:49
The incomplete official edit with bass. Incomplete start.
Source: Electric Hendrix 1

Recordings also available from this date that are not included on this disk:
Lord I Sing The Blues For Me And You (S723) (4) - Time: 4:17
Sound Quality - Very Good. This is the short edit but incomplete.
Source: Moons And Rainbows.
Lover Man (S1025) (45) - Sound Quality: Very Good. Time: 4:12
Incomplete stereo mix with Jimi chatting the introduction. Fades at end.
Source: The KPFA Tapes
These can be found on the Collectors Set "Studio '69"

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Messages : 41
Date d'inscription : 09/01/2017
Age : 57

Studio 69  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Studio 69    Studio 69  Icon_minitimeVen 6 Jan 2023 - 12:17

Passionnant ce coffret, j'ai passé du temps pour en venir à bout, en compilant les meilleurs moments au passage, avant d'arrêter vu que je reconstituais quasiment tout le coffret dans un second dossier )))
Beaucoup de grandes choses qui confirment que si il manquait de discipline pour finaliser un disque, il ne manquait pas d'inspiration. L'essence de sa musique se trouve là, peut être plus encore que dans les enregistrements définitifs.
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MessageSujet: Re: Studio 69    Studio 69  Icon_minitime

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