Jimi Hendrix
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 Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967

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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967   Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeLun 18 Oct 2010 - 11:21

Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967

Setlist inconnu.

"I ALSO used to go to the Chislehurst Caves on Friday nights from 1966 to about1968, and saw The Jimi Hendrix Experience perform there twice.

The first time, the small audience were amazed at this new sound.

Jimi Hendrix wedged the head of his guitar between the top of his Marshall amplifier stack and the jagged roof of the caves. He also played his famous Fender Stratocaster guitar with his teeth. "

Marc Denness, Blackpool.

Source : http://www.thefreelibrary.com/Caveman+Jimi%3B+Underground+sounds%3A+Chislehurst+Caves+rocked+to+the...-a0180503518

Dernière édition par Purple Jim le Dim 1 Avr 2012 - 14:43, édité 1 fois
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Purple Jim

Purple Jim

Messages : 2459
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2010

Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967   Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967 Icon_minitimeDim 1 Avr 2012 - 11:02

"When Hendrix performed there for a second time in January 67 the place was packed solid. Given that there were no fire exits we were probably lucky he hadn't yet taken to setting fire to his guitar as part of his act. There's no way a concert like that would be allowed in that venue under today's Health and Safety regulations.
On that occasion I was with my beautiful girlfriend (and wife-to-be). Fortunately (!), she had a broken leg after falling off a bus and was on crutches, so the crowd politely let us through and again I ended up right in front of the stage.
Johnnie Walker the DJ from the pirate station Radio Caroline was there, dressed rather imaginatively as a pirate."

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Bromley (Chislehurst Caves) : 27 janvier 1967
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